passerby: haha. that guy that talk to u on msn is so ke lian. lolx
trix: well... sad to say but he's really getting on my nerves...
wendy: where u brought them sia?>??
trix: i bought them from the shop and save near my house. not sure if they're sold in every shop and save outlets or not though.
jianping: check out this site... the reason why i ask u to wait...
trix: cool~~~ i'll wait... if no one's getting me one this christmas.. lolx...
hey everyone...
finally finished doing simple editing to photos...
so yesterday i went for the cozycot event to collect my goodie bag.
there i met this girl named jacqueline.
same as my sister.
she's nice and we just got to know each other as we're both blurr and did not know where the queue is for cotters.
so we waited together,
talked about stuff from the things that cozycot gives out like example,
she told me that she actually went to redeem a eye cream or eye gel.
i forgot what exactly it is and also the brand of it.
so anyway...
she told me that they actually gave out the full sale size product to cotters!!!
and she just asked the person there how much does that bottle of thing cost.
answer: $100!!!
oh my!
they just give it out like that?!
why didnt i know about that?!
and we also talk about stuff that we're scared of cause i seriously forgot how but we did ended up with the freaking horrible idiotic doll in the shop just beside rock auditorium.
so ya...
the event was held at rock auditiorium at suntec city, level 3.
we did see people actually having tickets bought from sistics for the event.
so ya...
we actually got to go for free.
we collected our goodie bags and apparently if you stay for the talk you're gonna get more stuff and more free services and stuff.
but sadly,
i had to rush home to help my sister with a wedding decor.
so we both of us went shopping alittle for her as she's looking for formal dress.
but soon i left and went down to orchard's nike singapore for a while.

nike orchard is officially opened like i've posted in previous post and here's how to entrance looks like.
i saw many people going in and out of the shop once i reached there but dann said that there aint as much people as there was on friday.
dann actually asked me to customise my own nikeID tee but as i was in a hurry to get home,
i told him that i'll be back at night then left to go home.
i bought myself old chang kee's nasi lemak for lunch.
i seriously do not know why on earth is it always sold out by around 12noon.
nothing special...
buti do like their ikan bilis.
they are packed seperately as that they are still crispy when you even them.

and yup!
that me in my sister's love droplets polo-T.
help her arrange the candles and stuff before going to the venue at rangoon road that area.
oh ya...
i've tried the grape vinegar too!

yes it taste nice!
i was seriously thinking how should i describe it...
it taste a little like grape juice,
a little like grape wine,
alittle sparkling...
alittle like grape sparkling juice.
it's nice.
you people should try it.
so at around 4pm like that,
we set up to the wedding venue and started putting up all the decors an stuff.
i shall post up the end product of it once my sister, the boss of Love Droplets, is done editing all the photos.
oh ya...
mind as well...
the link for love droplets on my blog under links is not updated.
i shall update her multiply site soon and hopefully her new website could be up soon as her technicial is abit busy nowadays...
so after the decor and stuf,
i came home on my own by bus and realised that i do kno have the key with me when i reached my dorrstep.
all because of a misunderstanding...
when we were leaving the house and i couldnt find my keys hanging in the key box.
so i asked,
and raymond replied,
as he points to the toolbox.
now that i think of it,
it's getting more and more weird.
maybe he just wasnt talking to me i guess...
so raymond came home and opened the door for me before driving back to mustafar for some shopping for camp with my sister.
so after washingup and stuff,
i went back down to orchard wisma, nike singapore.
couldnt find dann when i reached there so i just went out from the exit on the 3rd level and took a photo of the entrance there.

there were alot of people there that i couldnt take any photo that has no people in it.
so having just a couple is the best i could do then...
dann was busy when i got back so i just went walking around for awhile while thinking of how to customise my nikeID tee.
here's some photos of the lights along orchard road this christmas.

so after that i went back to nike and customised my own nikeID tee.
and dann printed my shirt!!!
actually wanted to snap some shots but the boss was there.
oh ya...
she's really very nice and fun ljust like dann told me before.
from what i see,
the service here is really very good.
though i do feel that one salesperson is actually kinda rude.
i was just looking at a display and there was a plastic packaging on the table that the display was on.
suddenly a hand just came out and took that plastic packaging away.
that did gave me shock!
imagine seeing the freaking thing you're most afraid of in the afternoon and at night you see a hand popping out behind you!
so finally i got my shirt done and it was already 10.25pm.
so i went back,
got myself KFC Zinger Burger Meal for late dinner.
i know that that manager was trying to do suggestive selling.
bu if your customer wants an extra order,
why not just give it to her?
i wanted a extra order of cheese fries as i really was hungry as i didnt really eat the whole day.
the nasi lemak seriously isnt enough.
then she told me that that would be an extra $3.20.
and suggested that i change my mash potato to cheese fries instead which is only additional of $1.20.
but isnt this making sales lesser?
i wanted an additional cheese fries then isnt that gonna be an extra $2.00 as compared to me topping it up?
in the end,
i just stick to a normal zinger student meal and left.
if she didnt "remind" me about how much will it cost in total,
i would have just bought the cheese fries at $3.20.
so ok...
i came home,
ate my late late dinner,
or rather supper as it was already around 11pm.
and now!
to share with all of you the stuff i've got yesterday!

there's brochures, magazines, sample products, vouchers, a packet of brandless tissue paper, UOB notebook and a pen.
some samples....

Colgate Total 12 Whitening Travel-size toothpaste!
i did photoshop my teeth to be so white in the photo above.
and hopefully one day my teeth would get that white!
shall save this toothpaste for the next chalet or stayover or something...
so no more worries on who's gonna bring toothpaste liao!

Jean Pual Madame Perfume.
i like the scent!
it's so sweet,
so floarl~!
nice nice~
and as i dont really use perfume as i always forget to apply some before leaving the house,
i guess this small bottle would last me quite some time.
i like it!
some other things in there...

brochures for spa, botox, anti-oxidents and etc etc.

the program for the day that people actually paid to go for these talks.

this is a stamp card that you can actually collect stamps for the booths there and when you're done,
you get to stand a chance to win a trip for 2 to korea for holiday and etc etc...
as you can see on the top left first box,
they would give us a free face and hair scan after the talk.
but sald,
i had to leave...
vouchers and discounts!

one of the vouchers that they gave.
free eyebrow shaping worth $15 at tangs.
i'm actually giving this voucher to jess as i dont shape my eyebrow.
i feel that they're nice enough naturally.
anyone disagree with me?

got some discount for spa stuff and also a scratch and win coupon.
other discounts and vouchers which includes movies tickets and combo and membership for eng wah and also dicount at 凯.
you can be part of all these privilleges too!!!
just click this badge under fun links or below to join now!
now for my nikeID tee.

the words i had on my nikeID tee.
i serioulsy felt so bimbotic after having those words printed on the shirt.
and dann was like laughing and laughing when he was printing my shirt lah!
here's the front of my nikeID tee.
please bear with the low quality photos as all i have is this horrible lousy camera phone of mine.

it's a light pink tee with matt metalic sliver nike logo on it like any other nike tee sold out there in the market.
but wait...
look at the back...

my queen*t!!!
it's white fonts on a pink shirt of mine!
i asked my mom to help me take a photo of the back of the tee for me.
she took thirce and seriously got angry after the second shot.

this is the third shot she took.
the other two was horrible and shaky and stuff that you could even see the words at all!
not even a single letter lah~
so i gave up asking my mom to help me and decided to risk being scolded by dann to take this photo for you below:

now this photo.
he wont scold me for wearing it like that.

dann will scold me for wearing it like that...
so ya...
but this time i'm already super tired.
i just lay on my bed and i seriouly could fall asleep just like that!
but i did force myself to wash up before sleeping...
so the whole day i'll conclude to 2 phrases...

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