Thanks to the great number of things that my sister bought and including the stuff that the 3 of us bought, we were having super great headache on how to bring them all back home without getting our check-in baggage overweight. Having Tigerway's allowance for each person to be 15kg, we only have a total of 60kg allowed to be checked-in and the things bought alone weighs 30kg!!! Oh my goodness!
And when my sister and stepmom were busy packing the stuff, by Dad was watch TV and I was...
And this is my outfit for the day. Photo taken in the hotel lobby while waiting for my stepmom to check out the room.
and yup! She's busy checking out the room and making arrangements for us to leave our baggage at the hotel first and collect the later.
Next, we went for breakfast at 帝王大厦(di wang da sha). We went for Dim Sum and it's like super duper uper reasonable there lor~ AND the food is great!
See my daddy and stepmom so happy~!
And I'm like so tired and YA I know I look fat. argh~ But this proves that I did not photoshop my photo. (or at least this photo) lol.
And here's the MOK sisters. I know freaking tired lor~
And soon our food is being served!!!
Here's my dad putting in the garnish for MY porridge which he asked everybody to dig in and accused me of eating HIS porridge which was yet to be served.
and TADA! My porridge!
Their Dim Sum there~!
It's like the first time I ever see Dim Sum served in aryclic containers instead of the old fashion bamboo ones... But it didnt affect the taste of the food at all! The food is still great!
See! My sister happily eating away~!
Then my Dad went on to testing my camera and saying that his camera skills are super good and stuff.
So we did a test. There's 2 photos of the same watch my Dad and I took. Which is the better taken photo?
Photo 1
Photo 2
Please leave me your comments for the photos at the end of the post by clicking "What do you think?". Thank you!
After breakfast, we went back to 罗湖(luo hu) as my sister had to change one of the thing as it was the wrong design and I found some cute signs around their subway station which I did not realised the previous day.
This is one of them. lol. What a way to promote subway usage!
I also got myself a KFC eggtart as I wanted to try their fastfood there. I wanted to get a burger from Mac initially but decided on that KFC eggtart as I was quite full after the Dim Sum.
In Shen Zhen, their stuff is either packed in paper bags if not then they dont pack the things for you. If you want a plastic bag, you will have to pay a few cents for the plastic bags be it at some wulu shops or even shops in shopping centre like Watsons and Colors.
Ya my sister is turning into KFC Ah Gong liao~
My Eggtart from KFC!
It's a purple sweet potato eggtart. Ok. I know it doesnt really look great but it really taste not bad. Yum yum~
So we're at 罗湖 and we went to change the box first before carrying on with our shopping. My sister got more necklaces and "Kipling" bag. Whereas for me, I got myself more hair extensions to replace my old ones which is like half the volume of its original volume, amount of hair already~!
I also got myself a pair of pumps and my sister got herself another pair of sandals.
After shopping, we went for a break/lunch at the westerm restaurant at 罗湖.
Here's my bakes pasta and my stepmom's sandwich in the background.
Mix mix mix, mix it all together~!
My dad and his wan ton noodles.
We then carried on shopping for awhile as I wanted to get a suitcase for myself but I still didnt get it after that half a day of shopping.
*oh I love the VS wheelie is just saw on their website~*
We went back to 大剧院 station where my dad and stepmom went to walk around a shopping centre there while my sister and I went back to the hotel to put down our stuff before meeting my dad and stepmom.
We were given like 30mins or so to shop around ourselves which my sister and I were both quite tired and dont really wanna shop around PLUS all the shops there are those ATAS ones like Armani, Gucci, Hugo Boss etc etc... So we settled down at KFC for a drink after I've gotten a Celtics Leather Band for dann. ok.We actually wanted to have Starbucks coffee but as I bought the leather band and my sister totally didnt see that ¥300 she had in her wallet(which she realised only when we're at the airport!!!), we thought we only had ¥21. Therefore we decided on KFC. (-_-) meow meow meow~~~
Me and my drink from KFC. The coffee is not bad, it taste like some normal coffee forom coffee bean that kind with soft vanilla ice cream toppped.
Price: ¥10 which is around $2.50SGD
My sister and her 雀巢冰爽茶. Ok. Here's something for all of you to guess. What on earth is a 雀巢冰爽茶?!
雀巢 = bird's nest (i think so)
And the answer is:

I'm sorry but I really have to say, when it comes to my sister and I deciding on 2 different food/drink stuff, I always make the better choice! hahaha...
and TADA!!! here's the Celtics Band I got for dann. I got it from a shop in that ATAS shopping centre so it can't be a fake ba!
Soon, that 30mins is up and my sister and I went to look for my stepmom and dad.
When we reached the supermarket, guess what I saw?
Look at my stepmom's face. So not interested sia~ ahaha... but really. compare the size sia~ My stepmom is like around 1.63m (i think) and see how big that whole row of jelly beans is!!!
Some photos taken outside the shopping centre...
A super tall building spotted where I had to lift my head up almost 180 degrees to be able to see the full building!
Trix at the fountain
Jac at the fountain
My stepmom and Dad waiting for us
And a very cute girl we spotted
Pizzahut anyone? heehee...
On the way back to the hotel...
Look at the people~ ANTS!!!
I know this photo is blurr but I like it alot. lol.
The hotel we've stayed in for the past few days
Sign for the Japanese Buffet we had the previous night
Sign for the Dim Sum we had that morning
Soon, we made our way to the airport after Andrew came to pick us up. Anna wasnt able to come as she was still working.
Those are some photos of the Domestic Flights' terminal. The international one is like our Singapore's Budget terminal. SUPER small. Or should i say, our bugdet terminal is even Bigger tahn their internatinal terminal!
We then went to a restaurant which seemed to be the only one opened then (the time was 8.30pm!)
During dinner...
My sister writing down some thoughts and stuff she experienced in Shen Zhen.
I tried taking a photo with my stepmom and Andrew in the photo.
First shot: Everyone's in it but the photo is blurr...
Second shot: The photo is clear but my stepmom looked away~ meow~
My sister talking to Andrew and my Dad with the thinking-i-am-crazy face again
My soup!
Testing out my camera again...
Both shots are using simple mode without any micro or what so ever complicated modes and functions.
We soon checked in after dinner and here's how it looks in the INTERNATION TERMINAL
Shops closed...
Closing soon alcohol shop
No business candy shop
and while waiting for boarding...
CAMWHORE! lol...
ok. boarding!
We had to take this bus which will drive us to the plane to board it.
Look at all the kiasu china people in the queue once announcement is made to baord the plane!
On the plane...
View from inside the plane
My daddy!!!
My sister's stupid face
My sister
and me!
*I so can't wait to get home~!*
An interesting article one the Tiger magazine
Bored Trix disturbing my Sister while she's reading
read read read~
And we're going home!!!
Why the plane havent take off~?
My sister reading and my stepmom's tired face
And soon~ the plane took off and we're on our way back to Singapore!!!
And I fell asleep... zzzzzz...
I saw the moon when I was on the plane, about 30mins before the plane arrived at Singapore
So what do I do after I'm awoken?
Camwhore lor~
See the lights?! That's Singapore!!! We're reaching home!!!
After a horrible landing and I almost throwing up one the plane which I never did after when I was 4 on a ship *just imagine how bad Tiger flies* we arrived at Singapore's budget terminal where we collected our baggages and for me, the first time buying alcohol! lol. But I didnt but it for myself lah~ I got the limited Vodka for Dann. hahaha...
and once we're home after raymond sent my dad and stepmom back home, we unpacked a little and it was quite a mess actually. Thankfully my mom wasnt home if not the unpacking is gonna take forever.
After unpacking, I took a shower and tried to not let myself sleep as much as possible cause I know that if I would to fall asleep, I wouldnt be able to wake up on time to go to school for my IAP briefing which happened after I fell asleep at around 8am in the morning and raymond woke me up at around 9am and sent me to school.
ok. that's all about my trip to Shen Zhen.
So if everyone of you are going to Shen Zhen, I would recommend one place, Queen Spa. The place is really cool and you get great message, great shower. And to a person that earns money in Singapore, the price is like super reasonable!
Have fun everyone!
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