dann just sent me an sms saying that he's going to start work already.
and he already told me that he wouldnt be meeting me this whole weekend as he'll be working and working and working...
last night after FYP,
i went to amk hub and bought tickets for the movie,
city of ember.
after getting the tickets,
i received dann's sms saying that they are still working...
so sad...
so i walked around amk hub,
ang mo kio central
and ended up eating ban mian alone at S11.
wait wait wait...
when finally dann was on his way here,
he told me to meet at subway.
on my way to subway,
i met fidel and leon.
leon couldnt recognise me...
but fidel immediately recognised me like 2seconds for quite a distance after i waved "hi".
dann was super pissed off and having horrible gastric when he arrived.
subway was freaking horribly super duper uper slow last night!!!
can you imagine we actually waited for around 30mins just to buy a sandwich where there's like only 5 people in front of us!?
so we missed the first 5 mins of the movie.
which then i was kinda lost when we got in.
so the movie continued...

before watching the movie yesterday,
i did read some reviews on Yahoo! Movies while checking for the movie's duration.
one of the reviews stated "Very little hype on the movie" in what he/she hates most of the movie and i'll say i have to agree to that.
i actually expected the movie to be more...
adventurous i think...
abit disappointed...
but it's still a nice movie.
i would rate it 3½ stars.
so ya...
dann has already started his work and that means that i really cant get to see him often anymore...
here's more information of this Nike Concept Shop located at Wisma.
Article from http://www.freshnessmag.com/ yesterday,
(photo credit to http://www.freshmag.com/, edited by me.)
actually i thought of dropping by today,
see which celebrities or big shots will i get to see...
but then,
i'm too tired.
i'll just drop by another day during the weekend then.
really hope that everything goes well.
all the best dann~!
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