A very Happy New Year to Everyone and thanks for reading my blog!
Here's some highlights of what happened interesting to me in the year 2009!
2月Mommy got me my very first digital camera, Canon Powershot E1, and I named it "白いちゃん"
(Shiroi which means White in Japanese)

This is one photo that no one has seen on this blog. Posted it on my private blog which no one actually reads. LOLHad my very first trip to 深圳 when it was still cold with my sister, dad and stepmom.

Travel log as follows:
3月Got to do a special advertorial for an travel agency where every advertorial done for them, they will donate money to charity of on organisation of your choice.
Blog post here.Got my first 300 over unique hits cos of a blog post where I saw a blowjob being done in public near my house!
Blog post here.4月Done my very first hair show as a model for Toni & Guy Academy Graduation Hair Show with Jess!

Blog post here.
Got invited by 24Seven for the launch of Samsung's LED TV.
*The TV is great and I'm still seriously wanting to save money and get one!*
Blog post here.Won my very first movie contest from Nuffnang to Star Trek's Movie Premiere!!!

Blog post hereGot invited to 24Seven's blogger lounge where it's the first time I got to really meet other bloggers and actually made friends there! It was the first time meeting Claudia, Diana, Brad, and many more! Even Tweeters like Jonathan!

Blog post here.Got my very first job as a showgirl for Samsung's new launched camera then with Jess!

Blog post hereWon my very first contest by Nuffnang! The Nike Woman Sister Zoom Contest!

Contest post here.
This was the start me for to be a someone in Nuffnang and every time Rainie sees me, she'll ask me how's the clothes and if the clothes and shoes fit. LOL6月Had my very first chance to do a review for a mobile phone! Thanks to 24Seven, I had the chance to test out the Samsung Beat DJ M7603 for a week!

Blog post here
Thanks to Nanyang Polytechnic's Sakuran Japanese Cultural Club's invitation, I had my very first experience of cosplaying at the Cosplay Arts Festival 2009! Already it was super tiring with all those photo shoots and rehearsals and stuff but it sure was FUN!
8月Thanks to 24Seven, I got to be one of the bloggers for PUMA during for the whole of F1 season 2009! I got to know more bloggers like Nadia, Jayden, Lawrence & Elson and also a hottie Jap model, Ken!!!

Blog post of Media attack Day 1 here
More for posts, please check out Puma Motorsports's website here!
Went to my dreamland Tokyo for 8 days with my dad, stepmom and my stepmom's friend!
Travel log as follows:
- Day 1 here
- Day 2 here
- Day 3 here
Day 4 - 8 is still under process. Sorry for the delay~!
9月Basically busy with Puma's various events and parties as the race was getting nearer every single day!!!

Got to know
Weijie, as better known as vveijie through 24Seven's paranormal tour! Just realised that
Meldric was there, too, a couple of days ago.
Sorry I just don't want to blog about the paranormal tour as I do not dare to even look at the photos I took. Yes I saw
something & the friend that accompanied me on the trip even captured
something. Somethings are not meant to be made known and I'm gonna keep it that way. If you wanna know what happened and where did we go and etc, do feel free to check out Weijie's and Meldric's blogs. =)
And also, job hunting once I came back from Japan...
10月Got invited by Puma to my very first Fashion Show by Style Magazine!

Blog post hereGot my 2nd assignment as a hairmodel of the year! Was Nana's hair model for her graduation piece!

Blog post here11月Took part in MyFatPocket's Hair Challenge 2009 and won 2nd place!
Once again, thanks to all that voted for me! Thank you!Got a job as a web developer! And am still on that job... 12月Thanks to 24Seven, I was given more chance to experience more things as a blogger like the blogger's outing to Sentosa's CineBlast where I got know Andric.

Experience post hereThat's about all of 2009's highlights!
Thank you
Nuffnang and
24Seven for the oppurtunities and variuous events and etc where I got to make new friends!
Hope that this year will be a better year and I'll get to know even MORE friends!
今年も よろしくお願いします。
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