pink hearty nail art design #1
top level(left to right):
1. 3D nail art paint
(dont know the correct word for it =p )
2. pre-prepared 3D hearts
(please refer to previous post to learn how to make them)
3. some blings as needed
bottom level nail polish(left to right):
1. top coat
2. light pink near to skin colour
3. glittery pink
4. light purple**
when doing the nails,
i changed the purple to pearl white nail polish)

1. paint a thin layer of light pink
i pain only a thin layer to slightly cover my normal nail colour
if you have those used for french nails
it's even better.

bottle above bought from SASA.
i forgot the price already.
but it's quite cheap i rememeber.
2. paint pearl white according to the white area of your nails.
for me i like a glow effect under of glitter effect.
if you like it normal white,
you can also do changes to your liking.

bottle above bought from DAISO
$2 only!
3. paint half of the pearl white area with glitter pink.
this gives the nails even more layer and color.
the photo below shows only one layer.
i prefer it with double or even triple layers.

bottle above is available at THE BODY SHOP
price: unknown.
it was a present from my auntie.
11 shade: pink tinsel
4. get ready all your blings and 3D arts as needed

4-1. remove the amount of hearts needed from plastic sheet
for this design i used 10 hearts.

4-2. get ready your blings
for this design we will need small sliver round blings.

4-3. always make sure you have enough blings needed before doing you nail art.
you dont wanna start opening your cases one by one after started.

blings can be purchased from DAISO for the better quality ones
if not,
there's this accessory shop at AMK hub,
Level 2 near Anderson's Ice Cream.
they sell the same amount of blings
as in a packet from DAISO.
instead of $2 per packet,
it's selling for only 80cents per packet.
but they are slightly less shiny.
5. apply top coat
NOTE: apply the top coat as you do your nail art on each finger

6. have some top coat on the tip of the pointed end too.
this is to help taking your blings and stuff
stick to your stick
so that you can place them easily
rather than using your fingers instead.

7-1. place a heart digonally in between this lines of the white band.
7-2. place a few blings under the heart like a string to a balloon.
(sorry. the orange bling was an accident)
(lol. it isnt supposed to be there)

then repeat steps 5-7 for the rest of the fingers.

and lastly,
top them off with your top coat,
shiny coat,
NOTE: make sure that the surrounding of all the blings and 3D art
is nicely coated with top coat too
to prolong your nails slightly more.
then clean up your nails as needed
and here you are with your very own nail art!

hope you enjoy it people!
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