i finally went to check the mail box on my way home.
as normally i would take the stairs as i only stay at the second level,
i wouldnt bother walking all the way to the other end just to check the mail box.
so i did just now and i had a freaking shock when i opened the mail box.

the letters were filled to the max already lah!
and one letter actually almost dropped out when i opened the lid.
i actually did take out 3 mails first but decided to show all of you how exactly it could get if you dont check your mails for around 3 weeks especilly if you stay at my area where junk mails come in piles in just a day!

can you imagine the postman actually had to fold our mails into quarts before he is able to squeeze that few letters in the mail box?!
poor postman...
but no more worries for the moment as i've just cleared the mail box.
and i seriously bet that there would be junk mails again even if i were to open it in the morning tomorrow lor~
so i took out the 3 white letters that you can in the first photo and here's how it looks like after that.

freaking full lah!!!
so i had to slowly take bit by bit out to prevent mails from falling out and throwing wanted mails by accident.
i spent a total of 15 mins just squating there in front of my dear mail box sorting out wanted and unwanted junk mails lor...
people that come to check their mail box did their checking in like less than 2 mins?
and there was this office guy that checked his mail box in only like 30 seconds including the opening and closing of the lid lor!
and when i was done and wanting to get up,
i noticed this guy checking his mail was actually looking at me with a weird weird face like why on earth do i have so many mails or even how on earth can that many mails be stuffed into such a small mailbox that kind of look.

that's all the junk mail in the mail box.
maybe you cant really see how much is it so you shall proceed to the next photo first then i'll explain further.

this is the height of wanted mails placed on my mom's bed.
and seriously,
these are 1/3 of the mails inside the mail box.
so imagine...
2/3 were junk mails!!!
hate junk mails~
after this i seriously love emails.
cause they sort out the junk mails for you and will be deleted on its own after 7 days.
what a wonder~
that's the first shock.
so i just checked the mail again to confirm the location on where do i have to go to collect my christmas goodie bag from cosy cot.
i've never been into that place and i seriously do no know what's in there.
so shocked and happy that i'll be going there for the first time.
but then another shock came to me.
that place is just beside a shop that has 3 displays of that stupid idiot freaking horrible horrifiing doll!!!
wonder how i'll survive it...
how i wish i can bring someone with me...
never mind.
i'm a strong girl! (i think~)
i'm not afraid!! (i hope~)
i will survive!!! (i seriously want to~)
oh ya~
just before i end this post,
i've tried the pineapple fruit vinegar just now.

i seriously do not like it and so does my sister.
it has the artificial pineapple taste and when it's combined with the vinegar, it just seriously taste horrible and awfully sour...
ok here's my conclusion.
no more pineapple vinegar for me!
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