Saturday i woke at like 7am plus and rushed down to a church in bukit timah for the decor. and seriously, the way there was horrible! hahaha... there's just too many things to bring over and just too little space in the van for the decors and of course us people to sit in.
we put up the decors in like an hour time? and as my sister and raymond were invited to the wedding too as the bride is actually their friend, we attended the ceremony too. and after the ceremony, hahaha... back to work to make the church return to it's original look.

that's me while waiting for everyone to clear from the hall before we could start taking down the decors and stuff.

this is the lights in the lift of the church. pretty huh? and also you can see the reflections of the flowers too~ hahahaha...
after that we had our lunch at the buffet lunch provided too then rushed home, rested for like an hour then rushed out for more decors.

yeah~ finally got a chance to eat my subway cookie while having a short rest at home.
then after getting all the decors, we went to velocity AKA novena square to pick rostina up as she was helping us with the decor, putting up decor with me while my sister and raymond go do another deocor, supposingly...
it turned out that my sister actually remembered the days wrongly. the wedding dinner was supposed to be on yesterday, sunday, and not saturday. so... haiz... we quickly got our stuff, put them back home in proper condition before setting off to the wedding dinner at a resturant, min jiang.
so with the help of rostina too, we put up the decors there i would say very fast but there was a serious headache when the resturant gave us 10 packets of rose petals that's ordered to be used to decorate the place. hai... serious headache!!! but we did finally use it for something... hahaha... saw the cup cakes the bride and groom had ordered for their wedding dinner... so cute~ ok. i have a cupcake for my own still at home. heehee...
after getting done with the decor at min jiang restaurant, i took a train down from the nearest mrt station to orchard to meet dann, xiang min, OZ and steve. we went to tang ling mall for dinner and dann and i had Australian food! (ok, all of us did)

yeah~ the food that dann and i shared. heehee.. ok. i forgot the name of it. =p but it sure taste nice!!! we had the crumbed one whereas steve and OZ shared the battered one. well, i think the crumbed one taste better. heehee...
after dinner, we went over to forum for coffee bean where jaeson, ezzat and gerry came to join us later on. we all had a great chat and stuff, about things from jmd to many other more. hahahaha...
and when it was late already, we all went home. hahaha... took bus with jaeson and i got a shock for jin shan as she and yoke hiang boarded the same bus after their work. hahahaha...
went home and started preparing rice balls (tang yuan) for yesterday, sunday.

the ingredients... orange sugar, pandan leaves and 2 bags of flour mix (i think), the white and pink in the plastic bags.
and i'm all alone to prepare the rice balls~ haiz....

yeah~ one plate prepared! ok. i know they arent really very equal and stuff, but they all end up in your stomach isnt it? then later on end up... ok. in the toilet bowl and down down down!!!
took a quick shower, blog a short post, and off i went to sleep.
and that's my saturday!
sunday, yesterday! woke up will 9am plus, quick wash up then my sis, raymond and i went downstairs for "breakfast". i had duck rice as i seriously do not know what to eat. i dont really like eating the food there. oh well...
after breakfast, it's then the start of work once again.
we got all the stuff needed and made our way down to sentosa's suburbia for the decor. it felt kinda weird for me as it's like the first time i go to sentosa and the purpose isnt to have fun there but work. hahaha... the restaurant there looks nice and seriously atas (high class) lah~
next off we went home, no rest, took the decors needed for the other 2 decors for the day and off we went to the singapore art museum.
so we changed for a pass to enter the museum for the decor and this time the wedding ceremony of the couple is at the auditorium which really gives the mood once you just step in. as raymond had to go back to sentosa to collect the stuff from the decor we did earlier on, the decorations at the auditorium at the museum were half done by my sister and i. *oh i wish to have my wedding at such a nice place too~ but not at SAM as that wouldnt be "new"*

after finishing the decor at SAM's auditorium and found some time to take a photo.
next up! the resturant's decor which my sister mistook the previous day!
ok... there wasnt really alot of things to be done but we'll like restricted and wasnt able to put up the decor as planned as the hotel has put their christmas decorations which was in the way. haiz... so we just had to think of other ways.
once we're done with it, HURRAY!!! all done!!!
hahahaha... and as we had to go back to SAM as raymond needs to change his pass for his id card back, we've decided to have our dinner nearby at bugis and also give my mom a surprise.

yeah!!! the yummy delicious fish noodles i had at a coffee shop near bugis street. it's like seriously very very very nice and super worth the money. they really give alot of fish for just $3.50 lor~ not what we have usually, like 4 slice of fish only that kind~
after dinner, we went to bugis street to surprise my mom. actually on our way to SAM, i called my mom and just asked her about what time would she be home and stuff using the excuse that we have to eat rice balls yesterday and got to know the closing time the shop and stuff. ahahaha... so ya. when i reached there my mom was attending or should i say just talking to the customers that's already there and i went up to my mom and say "auntie i want to sit" in hokkiean. (wait! or was it teochew? =p got confused) and my mom actually turned and looked at me for like 2-3 seconds before she actually smiled with her proud-of-daughter smile. and when she turned and saw my sis and raymond there too, that smile got even bigger. hahahaha...
so ya. we were there to try fish spa. hmm... i seriously was making alot of noise before putting my feet in lah! i was already scared and seriously freaking thinking how ticklish it would be. and my mom just keep pulling my hands and legs wanting me to put my feet in!!! ah!!! it just made me feel worst when someone's forcing me lah!

i put my feet in!!! hahaha... and that's my sis's feet on the top of the photo.

distract myself abit by taking photo

it seemed no kick to my sister lah!

after getting used to it, i slowly put my feet down more into the water. like oh my goodness lah!

this banner was like behind me and it states absolutly free of pain. but seriously... the feeling of the fish flipping its tail around your feet is much worst than pain i feel.


TADA!!! it's raymond!!!
cant imagine if there were THAT much fish around my feet lah!
seriously... i have to admit that there really has no pain at all. it's just really a mental thing that you have to accept to put your feet in. for me, throughout that 30mins or so, i didnt really dare to look at my own feet. i felt like like puking whenever i did so.

but then again for nice smooth feet by just sitting there? it's worth it. hahaha... look! no more cracks at heel area! and seriously the ball (not sure if it's spelled like this) of my feet is so much softer even though i went through all those dancing, peeling, hardden skin for the past 1 year plus plus plus in jmd. ahahahaha...

that's my sis still doing the fish spa while my mom pack things up, preparing for closing.

seriously after some time, i felt that my sister was actually like having fun and enjoying all the dead skin kena eaten by all the fishes!!!
then my sister tried something.

IT'S SERIOUSLY OH MY FREAKING GOODNESS LAH!!! my sis tried fish hand spa and from what she says she felt that it's worst than for feet as you can feel the fishes much more better and that seriously was... eeeeeewwwww....
so after my mom closed the shop, we went back and made our tang yuan!!!

my sister rolling the flour thingy which i've already prepare those one the left plate the previous night and half of those on the plate on the right.

after making all the ball balls, put them in when the water's boiling! pre-boiled with sugar and pandan leaves.

and raymond was giving me tips and telling how to see if the riceballs for fully ready or not and stuff.

after one minute it's like like this but aint ready yet.
let it boil somemore...

after awhile, take out the panda leaves. enough flavor or something i guess..

and it's like this but still not ready yet still!!!
let it boil even more...

and now it's ready!!! yeah!!!

served in small bowls. heehee...

yeah~ finally can eat liao~ wahahahahaha!!!!
after eating tang yuan, which symbolises united family cause yi jia tuan yuan, we all seperated to our own rooms. (-_-'") hahahaha.. so diao right?
ok... guess that's about all for the past 2 days. and like the previous time, the photos of the decor done will be posted up when ready.
aheva good day everyone!
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