so what do you think?
he says that cause i also will do silly face like the fish in the picture above!?
meow~~~ and today he even asked me to go and learn the song of it lah! so we made a deal. i learn the ponyom (fish) song while he learn utada's kuma (bear) song! heehee...
ok... below is the video is the ponyo song with it lyrics and i seriously didnt felt quite happy when i saw the last 2 sentences of the song!!! you shall see for yourself...
ポーニョ ポーニョ ポニョ さかなの子
Po-nyo po-nyo ponyo sakana no ko
Ponyo ponyo ponyo the fish kid
Aoi umi kara yatte kita
Commimg from the ocean
ポーニョ ポーニョ ポニョ ふくらんだ
Po-nyo po-nyo ponyo fukuranda
Ponyo ponyo ponyo a girl having
Manmaru onaka no onna no ko
a round swollen tummy
ペータペタ ピョーンピョン
Pe-ta peta pyo-n pyon
Pat pat hop hop
足っていいな かけちゃお
Ashi tte iina Kake chao
It's good to have feet cuz I can run
ニーギニギ ブーンブン
Ni-gi nigi bun bun
clasp clasp boom boom
おててはいいな つないじゃお
Otete wa iina tsunai jao
It's good to have hands cuz I can hold your hand
あの子とはねると むねもおどるよ
Anoko to haneru to mune mo odoru yo
When I jump with the boy I get excited
wa-ku waku chu gyu
fun fun! mwah! hug!
wa-ku waku chu gyu
fun fun! mwah! hug!
Anoko ga daisuki
I like that boy alot!
Makkakka no
ポーニョ ポーニョ ポニョ さかなの子
Po-nyo po-pyo ponyo sakana no ko
The little red fish
Gake no ue ni yatte kita
Came to the top of the cliff
ポーニョ ポーニョ ポニョ 女の子
Po-nyo po-nyo ponyo onna no ko
Ponyo ponyo ponyo a cheerful girl having
まんまるおなかの 元気な子
Manmaru onaka no genki na ko
A round swollen tummy
And here's the kuma song, 僕は熊, by Utada Hikaru
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