gonna blog about yesterday...
yesterday i woke up after receiving dann's sms for lunch so i got up shower and stuff then rushed down to meet dann for lunch.
had cai fan at takashiyama's food court.
but nice~
after dann went back to his work and continue with his HOT! job,
i went for a walk around orchard road.
went to kinokuniya first and i was super shocked when i saw the queue for payment.
no wonder sok hiang tell me to go find her if i wanna buy anything as her friend was queuing to make payment already then.
didnt stay at kino for long as i seriously dislike to shop at kino when there's a lot of people.
so next i went to far east plaza.
only just walked around.
orchard is getting boring nowadays especially far east plaza.
cause like 80%-90% of the clothes sold there are available online and cheaper of course.
the range of things they bring in are super boring and normal, nothing special.
oh ya.
another reason i didnt like to even just walk around far east plaza yesterday.
everywhere is kids!!!
not really kids as in kids but just teenagers of secondary school age like that.
i feel old or just because i really matured quite a lot ever sinced i came poly and or course not to mention being with dann who is like *ahem* years older than me!
basically ever sinced i joined JMD again last year i've been like mixing and hanging out with people older than me and more mature than me too like gerry and yvonne...
so ya...
i think/feel i grew quite a lot.
dont know if you agree to that or not.
back to the point.
so as orchard is seriously getting boring due to the boring old range and designs of stuff and also because i've been going there often ever sinced NIKE SINGAPORE has officially opened,
i decided to go home and play SIMS2 like i initially planned as i thought i wouldnt be meeting dann yesterday at all...
so i took the bus home instead of train as i was lazy to walk all the way back, squeezing through the crowd and stuff to the mrt station.
and hahaha...
there's a lot of japanese students (from japan one!) along orchard road yesterday and when i was waiting for the bus outside galleria, a whole group of jappy guys were outside galleria waiting for their bus of something so ya.
i got to see some kakkoii guys while waiting for the bus.
so i came home and played sims for about an hour then i make my way to kuo chuan presbyterian secondary school (OH MY! i actually still remember how to spell "presbyterian"!) for TNT NavCamp 2008's Special Night.
yup! this year's camp is held in mua's secondary school again but sadly i am not able to go for camp's this year due to FYP!
out of my 3 years in poly i only went to camp once! which is last year...
oh well,
as the theme for special night this year is "Wild Wild West",
i somehow dressed up like a cowgirl with jeans and boots. heehee... i wore the boots that was actually part of this year's natsu's performance's costume.
i dont have any photos to share right now...
will upload them when the photos for this year's camp is out or simply taken from raymond after they break camp! (which is today!)
when i first went there, i saw jasline and she brought me to the girls' dorm area and many people saw me including my twin li jin and ruth and etc but seriously no one recognised me!
and when the guys went to "fetch" their partners for the night and walked passed me, many asked "who is this?"
how on earth would you people know me sia~
and even if you did see me before be it camp or during rally (when it was still called rally and not PACE now), if you dont really know me you basically wont recognise me ba...
like this SHSS volleyball guy...
plus! many of them are first time in camp and i have not been going to rally or pace as i was busy with JMD and now i seriously just lost track, so the more they wont possiblely know me.
before the guys went to fetch the girls their partners, i did take photo of the classroom area lah...
argh~ i miss KCP!!!

this is the classroom area.
ok... you may see that some walls and painted as some or not and blah blah blah. that's because KCP is using the home-room system so each and every teacher can decorate their home-room in anyway they like. meow~
this system started the year right after my batch graduate lor~ what the...
but then again.
i think that's also good lah...

my secondary 4 classroom where we made a serious mess on our last day of school and break in the window every morning (the guys) cause the class reps will always reach the classroom later than the rest with the key to the door.
class reps AKA me and jian ping.
the two that's borned on the exact day were class reps of 4 Joy then...

i dont know what on earth is that. campfire i guess...
but we didnt use it also so i just dont know what is it for.
maybe some art piece by KCP students?
i dont know...

the sickening concourse now filled with activities for students like pool, x-box, or just sit on the sofas there and chit chat and etc etc...
all these started after i graduated lah!
what the...
so after the guys brought the girls down to the hall, it's time for dinner!!!
as the theme is wild wild west, we had burgers and chicken wings and onion rings for dinner.
we also had apple pies for desert and root beer for drinks.
and everyone is either dressed up as either a cowboy (or cowgirl) or a red indian EXCEPT for samuel who is always dressed up in something different!
he dressed up as a cow!
so he was a cow boy of the night!
during our dinner, the labourers (girls) were presented roses by guy labourers.

i didnt get 2 roses...
one is mine and one is my sister's.
mine was present/gave by cliffton, known as the cutie guy from people in bishan ITE when we performed there and my sister's is of course raymond lah~
had some games during dinner and some of them were seriously funny.
i almost got robbed for my boots lah!
and now i know, we all know, that raymond has a very big mouth!
eatting a whole apple without using your hands?! no big deal lah~
after dinner, we all got to dance square dance(s).
i remember the first time i danced a square dance was during my first NavCamp back in 2002 when i was in secondary one.
then my partner was samuel who was shorter than me then but now...
so sad...
and the square dance we danced that time was only one version but last night there were 3 versions!
one getter more tiring than the other! and the girls had to dance all around, switch places here and there and stuff for one of them.
last night i partnered this guy... erm... he seems like a sec 2?
dont know his name.
at first he was quite lost but slowly slowly he got the hang of it and it seriously was fun but super tiring!!!
so we danced danced danced...
including so called "practises", we danced a total of around 10 times lah!!!
oh my~
and by then it was already 11pm!!!
time for me to go home if not cannot catch last bus liao...
so i didnt last the last square dance.
and in between the dances we had some breaks and edgar and i were just talking and we came to the topic of my cca.
if you didnt read my mini profile by on the top of the sidrbar, i am from NYP's sakuran japanese cultural club.
so then i told edgar like what my divison does cause he had the idea of anime of stuff which is what AAA is about and not JMD so blah blah blah...
and this SHSS volleyball guys that's in my group for the square dance one heard a little of our conversation and asked edgar
"huh? you mean she's japanese?"
then edgar was like
"ya... dont look like meh? so kawaii that kind..."
on the guy's face you can see that he like kinda believed...
then i just say a simple sentence in jap then he was like @-@!
if that guy knows that jac is my sister see he will still believe or not!?
so 11pm...
i left for home and i'm super tired already...
but like i blogged before sleeping hours ago,
i saw that freaking doll and i couldnt fall asleep.
i didnt sleep with my mom so i just watched Jing Wu Men, trying to make myself sleepy that i'll just fall asleep without thinking about anything.
a few times i felt super tired and sleepy already but after i switched off the dvd player and tv, the stupid doll just comes back.
so this went on until about 3am where i went to the toilet and seriously was afraid if i see anything popping out...
i dont know what time did i actually fall asleep, but i know at least i did get some sleep, some rest.
gonna end here and do my work and study for tomorrow's common test...
have a nice day people!
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