heehee... i brought tiggy and tigge to school today but tigge isnt in the photo cause i seriously dont know where to put tigge and makeit stand while ensuring that it would not get dirty also. well, you know... this lab here is like freaking dusty lah! even after months of using this old spot of mine every single day, i still feel that my own spot is dusty!
well, this morning i had breakfast with dann and steve then watch them play badminton. i seriously puked my milo out and am still having a little stomachache now. haiz... still having the puking feeling still though.
and during lunch, well, i didnt eat. dont wanna puke any more food out. ='(
just read one of my lovely juniors' blog. well... having to learn the whole chingay dance in a day seriously isnt tough at all. well, if you wanna say i have a better memory in remembering dance steps, then seriously you should ask your other seniors too. i didnt took part in chingay last year as i didnt want my dad to get even more upset on me spending 'all' my time on dance. but i did went down for some of the chingay practices as well, the whole jmd went down together after morning practice and like duh i am still meeting dann after their practice so mind as well go with them. plus, i have nothing better to do most of the time. saturday without dance is just plain boring, empty and lost, even now.
i rememeber the first chingay practice last year, i remembered the whole dance even without me doing the dance itself lor~ and i even actually fell asleep seated at the corner of the ballroom in JAS (japanese association of singapore) as i seriously got bored after watching them dance such an easy dance after like 5 times or so. but seriously, watching the kids dance was very entertaining as they are like so cute and you seriously can them putting in their best and all to try to do exactly like the sensei(s) were doing! so cute lah!
well, i just hope that with this my lovely juniors will know what they have to do le ba.
all the best for open house!
it's just next week!
NYP Open House 2009 - My Poly, My Choice!

NYP is just like 7 mins walk from Yio Chu Kang MRT station. (well, taking the people walking very slowly infront of you in consideration too.)
Some Highlights of this year's open house!

(Click to enlarge)
Well, there's performance by Taufik Batisah on Thursday, 8 Jan @ 2pm at the Central Garden Stage near the atrium. Just come up the escalator from the fountain in NYP and there you are at the atrium!
Friday, 9 Jan @ 12.30pm, Play the game of Dont Forget Your Lyrics also at the Central Garden Stage!
Too many places to rush on Friday? Dont worry! NYP will be having our open house on Friday, 9 Jan, all the way from 11am to 9pm at night!!! 987FM Presenters Soo and Yang will be there too with games etc...
Coming down on Saturday? Well here's your chance to come up close with our contestants of Campus SuperStar 2009, 2pm @ the Central Garden Stage!!!
wanna know more about NYP's Open House this year?
check out more details at the official website of NYP's Open House 2009 Now!
ok... why on earth am i like making it such a big thing on my blog? specially type out the date and time and highlights and stuff... well, didnt i mention i was selected to be the tour guide this open house? hahaha... so if you are coming down and taking the dry tour, then maybe you'll be taken by me... dont ask me which school's tour am i taking, cause i seriously dont know. details for all tour guides will be given that day of duty. and saddly, i'm like on 2 days' duty lar! haiz... oh well, thankfully my saturday isnt taken so i can still be a JMD senior that day and not a SEG/SIT representative!
ok... that's all for now.
gonna drink some water before i wanna puke again. =p bleah~
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