today is a big day for my dad!!!
cause today he'll be going to the hospital for his cancer scan to check if there still any cancer cells found in him. if nope, then my dad can somehow be annouced cancer-free!!! hahahaha.. ok. weird way of saying it. heehee...
so yesterday i went for lunch with my dad and step mom together with my sister. we went to shi chuan xiao chu at raffles city. we had dim sum and some si chuan dishes. was like so so full lar... hahahaha...
here's something i'm still puzzled about even til now.

is that a stain or just the design of the cup? as we were all wondering what on earth exactly is it, my stepmom even asked the waitress and she also cannot answer us. hahahaha...
so what do you think? stain? or just a design?
vote your view!
after lunch, we went for a short walk around HMV at citylink cause my dad wanted to get a collection album of old songs.
next i went of to meet xiang min, ezzat, jessica, jaeson and OZ at orchard for our christmas decoration shopping!!! yeah~~~!!! sadly this year dann and gerry couldnt join us for decor shopping as dann working and gerry mah... working too i supposed. we got this snowman for the christmas tree that i chose it (heehee). it's like so cute lar~ heehee... wonder when are we going to uncle xiang min's house to put up the tree. heehee... i still remember last year after putting up the tree i cried cause ever sinced i was very young like in primary school i guess, my sis and i (i think my sis too) just always wanted a white christmas tree with blue base decors on it and i'm like so freaking happy and touched i guess that i cried. ='( ended up crying in xiang min's house for something like this. hahaha...
after getting the decors, we then decided to just find a place to sit down and chit chat. we went to coffee bean at paragon and jaeson got this for all of us to share!

cute right!!!??? hahahaha cyo kawaii desyo!
then as were like somehow deciding on which part of the gingerbread man should be eat, like xiang min eat the head, i eat the left leg, jessica eat the right leg blah blah blah... and i suddenly thought of actually photoshopping our body part to the parts of the gingerbread man that we eat. and ok.. i did photoshop it but as uncle xiang min is the head of the gingerbread man, i showed him the picture and he doesnt allow me to blog it up. so... too bad for all of you~ if you can get into one of my photobucket account then you'll be able to find it there. and seriously, i have like 3 accounts... hahaha.. WHICH! i will not tell you the username cause you may just be able to find my album. hahaha... so instead of that photoshopped version, here's the part of the gingerbread man that we initially said we will eat.

ok... OZ did not say he wanna he it but sinced that's only one part left and there's isnt anyone else so the stomach shall be OZ's. hahaha.. so you can just use your imagination to put all our different body parts together ba. hahahaha...
and after we started eating, after all the hands and legs or gone, guess what we've gotten?

hahahahaha.. still very cute! hahaha...
soon after the gingerbread man stuff, ezzat and OZ started playing magic cards (-_-'") AGAIN~, jaeson and jessica went to heeren (or is it cineleisure) for a walk, and i accompanied uncle xiang min to serach for a nice wallet. and seriously, it's like the first time i ever really stepped into branded shops. the only time i went to see branded stuff was with dann months ago in DFS gallery. which... i also didnt really walk walk in it...
so we shopped finished all branded shops that carries male stuff in paragon. we saw a nice polo raph wallet. but we saw nicer wallets at prada! which! uncle xiang min has gotten his eyes on one of them. hahaha... it's bronze in colour. very unique for a guy's wallet. however i like the wallet that has a different edge. hahaha... $500 lor~ oh my goodness~ the most expensive wallet i've ever gotten if the one i bought for dann last year a birthday present lah~ which is still like one digit lesser than that! oh my~ wallet only mah~ need so expensive ma? hahahaha...
so after getting done with the shops at paragon, we went to tangs which seems quite empty already when we're there. nothing much to shop. guess many people already did their christmas shopping ans things are getting out of stock already. so then we went to shaw isetan. hmm... also nothing much. even the nice stuff danna dn i saw thursday are also gone liao... but well they have guess sales and i saw a nice shirt but dont know whether dann will like it or not plus again, i hate being poor. I'm broke once again~
then we made our way to gallery and uncle xiang min was like seriously hesitating whether to go into the LV shop or not as he just bought a bag there the previous day. hahaha... but he went in and funny is it that he actually like the wallet of the same series of the LV bag he bought on saturday! wao~ hahahahaha... and kinda think of it, it's my very first time stepping in into a LV shop!!! ok. say i mountain tortise whatever~ so what's it's my first time stepping into a LV shop at the age of 19? right? hahaha...
then we back to shaw to meet up with everyone else for dinner while still waiting for dann for his break. by the time dann arrived it was already around 7pm! haiz... poor dann and everyone working too~ and i seriously know how busy it is at the nikeID counter as i've been there like a few times and for weekends it just gets more and more busy each week. so ya... gokuroisama!
so dann came, we both shared a KFC buddy meal but i gave most of the food to dann as he must be like super hungry and i'm still having dinner with my mom later in the night. dann somehow rushed with his food, chat with us abit then rushed back for work liao... haiz...
oh ya! i ahavent mention about everyone totally forgetting about the christmas decor we got!!!
ok... when everyone seperated for our own stuff from coffee bean, xiang min forgot to take the bag of christmas decor we've bought and we only realised it when we left paragon! then i was like thinking maybe ezzat and OZ would have seen and taken it sinced the big paper is placed with their bags on a stool. so. ya... never mind. continued shopping. and when we went to meet the rest at shaw, i noticed that the blur takashimaya paper bag isnt on the chairs at all! then i quickly told uncle xiang min which he had totally forgotten about it again~ then ezzat rushed back to coffee bean and fortunately one of the staff at coffee bean found it and kept it.
can you like just imagine that totally no one realised something was actually missing?! hahaha... (ok. why on earth am i laughing?)
so after dinner, everyone left and went home but uncle xiang min accompanied me to go and get a cake for my mom first as it was her birthday yesterday.
hahaha... got my mom a black forest cake from four leaves which is like just at the basement of shaw isetan? hahaha...
then we took the train home together and as i didnt want to risk damaging the cake in anyway by squeezing with all the people on the train, i decided to take the north-eats line with uncle xiang min instead. hahaha...
got home, on my jing wu men dvd, on lappy then my sis said that my mom's at the bus top already so we had to go down to the coffee shop near by and wait for my mum already. and guess what? i seriously think that during that call, my mom was like at the bugis bus stop? why on earth call sia~ hahaha right?! hahaha...

ok... besides all these there's still onion omelette and cereal prawn which i was lazy to take phot of it as i've already started eating. shall grab photos from raymond's camera. hahahaha...
eat eat eat... and seriously my mom eat faster than F1 race lah! then amke util everyone also eay very fast like that... cannot eat in peace... oh well. her birthday.
after dinner, we went back home and "cut cake"! hahahaha... and again, no photo of the cake. need to grab from raymond. hahahaha... when we were singing the birthday song my sis and i sang super slowly on purpose cause my mom was like rushing the whole day in no matter what she does lah~ hahahaha... video is super funny... maybe i'll upload. =p though i look freaking ugly in it... hahahaha...
so.. ok. that's about all for yesterday!
have a nice day everyone! wear more clothes! the weather's super horrible!!!
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