Just watched the preview of Star Trek last night with Dann at GV Grand. The movie is great!
Anyway, I shall start blogging what happened before the movie first.
I met up with Dann at Wisma before heading towards Great World City for dinner and the movie.
I was wearing my new one-piece that I've gotten online last month. Don't remember? Here's the post. Yeah~ I love my new clothes! They are just so pretty! And good quality too!
Upon arriving at Great World City, we went to Kenny Roger's for dinner. They have changed their ordering system so now we don't have to order from the counter ourselves anymore! Sorry if I am updated so much later. =p
Muffin!!! I have no idea what is it called so I just call it the corn muffin! hahaha... And you know what? We were served 2 of this muffin when we just sat down at our table and those muffins were complimentary! I didn't know that either! hahaha...
And here's our food!
There's ribs, chicken, macaroni and cheese, baked rice and clear chicken soup! We didn't order much last night as I was still pretty full from my late lunch.
Anyway... DINNER WAS YUMMY!!!! hahahaha...
After dinner, we first went to the cinema to collect our tickets from the Nuffnang booth. Yes. I've won our preview tickets to Star Trek from Nuffnang with my long post of facts on Star Trek. Contest post here.
When we reached the cinema, the entrance was filled with people! Bloggers like ANdyStorm currently blogging @ http://youthinkicarewhatyousay.blogspot.com/, MediaCorp artises like Wong Li Lin and Alan Wu, and many people in Star Trek costumes, too! Some even wore Star Trek costumes to the cinema for the movie! So hardcore Trek fans~ Ok. I didn't really had the mood the take photos as it was really super crowded at that area. So Dann and I went for a little walk after collecting our tickets while waiting for the time for entrance.
Our tickets!
*saddly I dropped one of our tickets when we were entering the cinema. =( *
And as this is a preview show, we were not allowed to bring mobile phones, cameras or even PDAs into the cinema.
A quick photo taken while queuing to surrender our mobiles and camera before the movie. So ya... I wasn't rreally prepared even though I was the one taking the photo. hahahaha...
Even though we were seated at the first row and had to lift our heads up to watch the whole movie as we went in late and had no idea before hand that it was free seating till we were queuing to surrender our devices...

... The movie is really FANTASTIC! Although I had no single idea on what Star Trek is about until I did the post for the contest, I really do love this movie a lot! I guess I might just go and find all the previous movies and watch them! Finding all the series would be a crazy thing. Do you have any freaking idea how many episodes are there in just one season?! It will take me years to finish all of them IF I am able to find them. hahahah...

The movie is pretty funny too and there was a part where Dann laughed so so so so loudly lah! I LOVE STAR TREK!!! And I just love the way this movie is being made! It has a very old kind of feel which you can no longer find in any movies/shows nowadays cause everything people think of it effects and graphics. I just love the way all the kind of old effects used!
Really people, this movie is a MUST WATCH!!! I heard from Dann that they actually showed the beginning of Star Trek in this movie (when watching it) so no worries for Star Trek noobs like me that has no idea at all on what Star Trek is about and etc etc etc.
Movie Rated: 5 Golden Bling Bling Shiny Stars!!!
After collecting our stuff after the movie, Dann and I went to the toilet first before making our way home. Do not think too much. He went to the males' toilet and I went to the females' toilet! hahahaha... And finally!!! I found the toilet that I've been looking for YEARS ever sinced Great World City was built and opened for business!
For people who are like 10 years old or so? may not know that all toilets in Great World City has a different country theme! I had been a regular customers there in the past when Great World City first opened as my mom and dad loved going to the One99 Shop which does not exist anymore. I've been there many a times but I just couldn't find the Japan toilet. And now I know where is it at already!!! hahaha... So for people who still do not know, you shall go and find okay? hahaha... You may find it after YEARS like me...?
Happy searching!
On our way home...
YEAH!!! Camwhore with our ticket(s)!
I know I have winkles but who cares?! I'm happy and am loving STAR TREK!!!
I wanna watch the old movies~~~

Thanks Nuffnang for the tickets!!!
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