Or also hotels that are the cheapest at the same time?
Well, Hotels Combine is here to help!
It's just so simple to find the hotels in a country!
Just key in the country you're travelling to, the check in and out data and the number of guest and rooms and click search!
And walah! You have your search results being sorted out by popularity, price, stars, name and distance! And one more thing, all prices are already converted to SGD by default so you even have to click to convert the currency!
Hotels Combine not only search for hotels that may not even be in budget for super budget travellers. But FEAR NOT! Sort your results by price and you will find the cheapest hostel right on top!
So... you might think that such a cheapo hostel is sure to be some empty room at some wulu place with no amenities. hahaha.. YOU'RE WRONG!!! The USA Hostel that's the cheapest in the list is located in Tsim Sha Tsui and not some wulu places. But in fact one of the more happening places! Amenities?
So how's that? Sounds reasonable huh?
But what's another thing of Hotels Combine that I just have to share with everyone here!!!
Hotels Combine have built a great service and they want people to know about it... and that's to do charity . Hotels Combine will donate to charity every time someone helps them to spread the word. This way, Hotels Combine can then benefit from your word of mouth (or mouse in this case) whilst at the same time being able to donate what we normally would have had to spend on advertising! Isn't that great?!

Hotels Combine would donate a sum of money to either 1 of the 3 charity organisations with every time I (or even you) were to blog about their service!
Not only bloggers get to help do charity, you can help too even if you do not blog! Simply sign into Facebook and "become a fan" of Hotels Combine's Facebook page here and they will send $5 to a supported charity of your choice! And do remember not to forget to leave a comment on there letting them know which charity to donate to!
Any Twitter users out here? You can help too!!! If you have at least a couple of Twitter followers, send out a tweet about Hotels Combine.
It's just THAT SIMPLE!
But DO NOT FORGET to please mention "Hotels Combine.com" in the text of your tweet so they are able to search and find it. Also mention the charity you would like the donation to go towards.
People has contributed a total of $2385USD so far!!!
For this post, I would like my donation to be made to Make a Wish

"We grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy."
You can do your part, too!!!

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