hmmm... I wonder when is that...
Oh ya! It was the Tuesday before I flew off the Shen Zhen, on the 24th of Feb!
That day, my batch of JMD people went out together. Sok Hiang did not join us as she was haveing exams still during that week on Tues, Wed and Thurs.
So I met up with Gerry first once I reached Dhoby Ghaut station before we met Yvonne soon after that. And as I expected (we all did) that Lue Song was late and around half an hour. OK. He was late MORE than half an hour that day alright~
So th 3 of us first went to the がじゃがじゃ machine shop on the top level at Plaza Singapura where I helped my sister to get her Shuan the sleep stuff, Gerry got her Disney stuff (mainly aiming for the STITCH) and Yvonne aiming for the STRAWBERRY Hello Kitty. I spent $6 on behalf of my sister, Yvonne spent $6 till she finally got her STRAWBERRY Hello Kitty and Gerry spent $14! to get the STITCH which she ended up getting the full set. Yvonne gave us the excess Hello Kitty(s) that aren't the strawberry one and Gerry gave me and Dann the Mickey and Minnie (which so totally forgot that she doesn't have a Mickey at home so she doesn't have a full set). After spending implusive money at that shop, we went over to another shop on the same level too and Gerry went all GAGA over all the Stitch stuff there!
Next we went over to the Cathay to get our movie tickets for He's Just Not That Into You.
And our dearesr Lue Song STILL hadn't arrive! Just imagine all the time we spent at PS before going over to the Cathay to get our tickets AND including tickets too! That horrible guy just never learns his lessons after making us run double digits of rounds around the stadium (or 2X if at the basketball court) every Saturday because of he's late-ness!!! Our dear 小弟 ar~~~
Gerry's like sooooo happy lah!
I was also a bit abnormal that day
After waiting for the 10-15 mins for Lue Song outside Starbucks after telling us he's just one road away from the Cathay! *I seriously wonder were on earth is THAT road sia~* we went back to PZ for lunch.
We finally settled down on MOS Burger as I had craving for it for a long long time~
Our drinks and Number tags! (And Yvonne's lunch~ lol)
We ALL had ice milk tea!!! YEAH!!! Ice Milk Tea Rocks!!!
Gerry posing for the camera while waiting for her food
After our lunch, it was movie time!!!

The movie is great! Funny! and Sweet!
Although I feel that it is a bit confusing at the start of the movie, everything just got into place smoothly as the movie went on. We 4 all find the movie funny and was laughing quite alot throughout the movie. However, I'm not sure of why is that so, but we were the only 4 laughing in the cinema except for the last funny point where everyone in the cinema laughed. That's weird~ Oh well. I think I know why but I shall not blog it up. hahaha... I would only say that I think it's because of the people we mix with. lol...
After the movie, we walked to Cineleisure for Neoprint Marathon Session!!!
At machine number 1!
Next, machine number 2!
Let's Go!
Some '帅' photos of Lue Song.
The forever late guy~ *Even worse than me lor~* lol
Me and my =3 face
Vonne looks STUNT
Ok. Gerry did not set the camera to macro when she took this photo. Main thing, the glasses on Lue!!!
*To readers like Rachel, it's just that my camera wasnt set to the correct mode to take this photo. My camera is not bad for close-up shots too!*
The fighters!
The victims!
what's with the stinky expression?
Hang In There!!!
and *PHEW~!*
Auntie-ish Trix. =p
Showing off my bunny tooth
(no photos taken in the machine as there wasn't anywhere for me to put my camera and Gerry was tired and didn't know what to take photo of during decor time already)
END PRODUCTS!!! hahaha... to be posted up when Gerry scans and send me the photos. =p Will post it up together with my other Neoprints taken last week.
After neoprint marathon, it was about 9pm already and we were all tired and hungry. We then head to KouFu at basement to get our dinner before Yvonne rushed home. Dann came to join us after his appointment, too. Lue Song left with Yvonne after dinner and the 3 of us just went outside Cine for coffee.
Ezzat soon join us after his long day of work and...
*trigger poppers!* Happy 15th months to Ezzat and Gerry! lol.
Gerry and the not so scary crocodile.
Now you know why is it a 'Bad Crocodile'?
Gerry with her unglam expression again...
And now the crocodile attacks me!
The crocodile didn't want to let me camwhore~!
Yeah! No more crocodile!
And who was the one behind the crocodile's evil doings?
Crocodile drinking water?!
To end off with this post, I went clubbing for the very first time at Rebel the following night with JMDians. We wanted to go to ZOUK but it was super crowded due to some event.
Seriously I really did not know what to expect and stuff there and seriously, I guess only Jess knows this, I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO FREESTYLE.
That night I saw Geraldine, or known as Dine in my primary school, at both ZOUK and Rebel. Sorry I did not say 'hi' cause I really wasn't sure if you still remembers me. I kept looking at her but she has that 'who is this person' face so I just kept quiet.
Ok. That's about all.
Goodnight everyone!
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