That's my new うさぎ chair from my mommy for birthday! (笑)
Here's some stuff I got last Thursday.
DollyWink Pencil Eyeliner in Brown
Majolica Majorca Liquid Eyeliner in BK999
Got that Jap handphone lookalike case from Kinokuniya
Decided to use it to keep my lashes
I can seperate my upper and lower lashes!
Here's my shopping from Watsons today!
New Pink Toothbrush

Biyou Collagen Drink
Decided to give it a try.

Canmake Eyeshadow Base
FreshKon CLEAR Eyedrops
Biore Makeup Remover Wipes
Time to clean all my falsies one short!
Garnier Bright Eye Set
Like finally I got my bright eye roll-on gel again!
I find it good but Claudia and Weijie don't see the results.
Maybe cos I'm really generous with it! LOL
I also got some other monthly supplies alright.
Lastly, before I end this post is a short review for DollyWink and MJ's eyeliner.
Before deciding which eyeliner to get, I actually posted on my fanpage and I guess many of you just can't really decide which to buy, too, if you were me.
So here's a short review!
I was wearing MJ's liquid eyeliner in the photo above.
Here's how they look when I drew them both on my hand.
Ok. Brand new DollyWink eyeliner will be as black as the MJ one.
Bear in mind that my DollyWink eyeliner is "dying" already. Which is of course why I got a new eyeliner.
I did do a proper review before for DollyWink, MJ and K-Palette eyeliner. Read it here!
Here's a few things I can add on now that I have a black liquid eyeliner from MJ.
1. Both DollyWink and MJ are as black, as dark. So they both stands first place for black-ness.
2. Out of all 3 eyeliners, DollyWink dries the fastest, followed by K-Palette and lastly, MJ.
So if you were to ask me which will I get the next time, it will definitely be DollyWink! Of course, that's if there isn't any other eyeliner that I wish to try and experiment with.
Oki! That's all for now!
Aww that usa-chan chair looks so kawaii!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely birthday gift (誕生日おめでとう)
Ive always wanted to get a Dolly Wink liner, too bad we dont have it here *im a bit scared of online shopping LOL*
and you are lovely as always :)
I really love your eye make-ups ♥ ♥
have a nice day :)
Mariko Jessicaへ
ReplyDeleteThank you! ありがとう!
You should try once online shopping. You may just get hooked on like me!
I was freaking scared when I did my first online shopping that the person may run away with my money and stuff.
Start with something small. (*^-^*)
Awww so cute~ I wonder if there is any techniques to taking pics??
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of techniques do you mean?
To me, the feel of a photo matters more than those technical stuff!
After snapping editing on Photoshop helps alot, too.
I could never took a pretty pic of my ownself
ReplyDeleteand oh my gosh~ i finally saw a singaporean gyaru fan here !! ><
Etc the angles and hair style or the make-up for better pics? ^^
Erika.S へ
ReplyDeleteWell, You can try practising to see which is your best angle in front of a mirror.
You can use a small hand-held mirror as a camera while practising.
This method was recommended on latets issue of Ageha magazine.
For hairstyle, experiment with different styles to see which type is able to cover and shapes your face even more!
You are so sweeeeet <3
ReplyDeleteThank you! ありがとう!