My Saturday morning shock! Ran out of lash glue! I'm like so forgetful man!
I go Watsons soooo often but I always forget to restock my favorite Kiss Me Heroine lash glue!
How silly of me...
So I went to Watsons at Ngee Ann City last Saturday after the meetup collection of yukata and japanese cosmetics for the lovely customers of my blogshop!
Hope that you all like your pretty pretty stuff!
I personally love my yukata and just can't wait to wear it on this coming Saturday to Natsu Matsuri!
Anyone's going? heehee...
Anyway... back to Watsons...

So I went over for my audition for Shiseido's new brand in Singapore AquaLabel where they're now holding this contest for bloggers!
Man I so hope that I can be on of the winners!
I miss Japan!!!
So remember this?
I brought my moist essence which is like soooo easily absorbed into my skin along with me that day. Love it!
Great my eye area which is like the most easily winkled area as human blinks like every few seconds.
Worst with all the makeup and etc! Argh~ Scary!!!
I even met one of the bloggers which I met quite a few times at tech events and the Chris Ling workshop the other time.
I forgot her name though... =P
The next time I meet her, I'm soooo gonna get her name right and INTO my head!
When I got there at Watsons, Mediacorp FM933 DJ Siau Jiahui was there, too!
Sure learnt quite a bit just walking around listening to her.

Looking forward to the workshop on Wednesday!
Learn learn learn!
You can never know enough stuff about taking care of your precious face you know~!
After my audition at Watsons, I went to Kinokuniya where I met Lue Song.
Got this book!

The dorama is super duper funny and of course so is this book!
Lue got the book 2. So we're sharing the books! Wahahahaha~!
I'm still selecting photos for my date at Universal Studios so please wait a little while more.
Same goes to the makeup I wore that day!
Will share soon!
Would you prefer it in a makeup tutorial video or just a post showing which products I used?
Oki. That's all for this post.
Will blog more tomorrow!
Good night everyone!
you are really cute!