All in all, thank you for all of those who are so concern.
No more fever, no more puking and stuff so no need to do blood test! heehee...

I've just received the fruit of the month in office and this month is Mango! hahaha... OK. I've only (somehow) told Branden how much I wanna eat mango ever sinced I've started my attachment at this new location cause everytime we go Sheng Shiong after lunch or whenever to get some snacks or drinks, I just can't resist enjoying the great smell of mangoes! Seriously, they smell SUPER DUPER UPER GREAT!!! But I've never bought any cause I feel that it is a bit expensive and isn't weird if I buy lots of mangoes back to office?! And ya, I'm lazy to buy after work cause Sheng Shiong is the opposite direction of the bus stop. So yeah! Hurray! I have free mango to eat today! I'm bringing it back home and share with my mom. heehee...

I just bought this blanket on Monday on my way home which I will put at Dann's place. Of course he has blanket there at his house but we've wanted to get one blanket for quite a long time already so I got this as it is priced reasonable-ly. This blanket is so long that I actually had a hard time putting it on my bed to take photo lor~ I have to stretch my arms almost fully out upwards to not let the blanket touch the floor lah~ *DO NOT SAY IT'S BECAUSE I'M SHORT!*

That's me snuggling with the blanket last night after it's being washed clean. SO COMFY!!! I actually fell asleep using that blanket last night lah! Opps! =X I think by the time I bring it over to Dann's place, it's gonna be full of my smell already lor~ =P
I also did some shopping online and just got some dresses from a spree which I ordered together with Jessica. Actually wanted to ask Jess too, but that girl is now in Taipei so i can't ask her. Meow~ *Hope she's having great fun and enjoying herself there*
Dresses that Jessica ordered:

Dresses that I ordered:

I actually wanted to get the 2 dresses that Jessica ordered too but I was wondering if I would look nice in them especially the high waist skirt cause I'm no that tall and lengthy kind, so I decided not to get them. I was deciding whether to get the demin white dress too when I saw that they are having the white color ones on promotion now so I decided to get that too. There are so many so many pretty dresses but sadly I have to give the rest a pass this time. Oh well, there are nicer and prettier dresses in future too! hahaha...
ah~ Can't wait for the dresses to be here!!! It states that orders will come 1-2 weeks after ordering. Meow!!! Hopefully by the end of this month will come ba! And my shoes from Earl Grey Party!! I want my stuff I want my stuff!!! Arh~ I so miss Jessica lah! Haven't seen her sinced Ezzat's birthday celebration! MEOW~!
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