I did quiz on Disney Channel's website for which character are you 2 years ago and I've got Miley as my result! (Post 2 years back here)
I've watched all episodes of the first season where everything started with the first season where Lily, Miley's best friend, found out that her best friend Miley was her greatest idol, Hannah Montana.

And the 2nd episode where Oliver, Miley and Lily's other best friend, was totally in love with Hannah Montana and they tried so hard to make Oliver not like Hannah in the most disgusting way and not letting him know that Hannah is actually Miley as they were afraid that Oliver would then be in love with Miley.

On the 7th episode, it was Miley birthday and Lily tried to make Miley's dad get her a birthday present that she will love and wear out of the house.

Another thing I like about this whole Hanna Montana series is because it also shows how friends and family love and cares for one another.
On the 10th episode, Miley forgot the lyrics to the national anthem!!!
You don't have to be afraid that you will forget you lines or lyrics for words...

... because you will always have a friend that's there for you to solve your problems.

And even if you hurt your friend by accident...

... they forgive you and will always be there behind your back.

You stick together through thick and thin.

And I really mean "stick together".
And guess what, best friends are even better than guys.

Not even the hottest guy in school could be up to match for your best friend!
But then again...

... he IS really cute huh?!
I love Hannah Montana as she's just another ordinary girl that has problems like all especially when you're overseas and you got carried away by shopping.

You can't close your suitcase when you're packing to go home.

You get pimples too and you just cries when anyone see it.
Another character that I love in this TV series,

Roxy, Hannah Montana's bodyguard. She's really nice and of course she knows that Hannah is Miley and Miley is Hannah. She does not only protect Hannah, or Miley, she also protects the whole family and is also one of the members of that big family.
In episode 17, you're gonna see double throughout the show where Miley's evil cousin came to visit.

In season 2, Miley and Lily went to high school! And on the first day of school, someone texted Miley "I know your secret."

OH NO!!! Is Miley's Hannah secret busted?!
And Lily got a makeover by Miley for the school's dance!

Doesn't she look fabulous?!
Here' one cute and super irritating character in this show.

Rico! He's smart and although he's only 10 years old in the show in the 2nd season, he was Miley and Lily's classmate in Highschool! He is also Jackson's, Miley's elder brother, boss at the stall by the beach Jackson's working at.
In the 5th episode, Miley lost her voice and had to go for a surgery!

Will Hannah sing again?
*Of course she will!*
Are you one of those people who are afraid of even looking at yourself in the mirror once you woke up?

Well, Miley is.
And Lily got a boyfriend in Highschool!

What's great about being a super popstar?

You cut the queue of some big-shot professor to the most high-class restuarant.

And you have the most important (but irritating) fan in the whole America, the America's angel.
How would you feel about someone confessing to you on the beach in suit after landing from a helicopter and with chocolates dropped down from the sky?

Or confessing to you on national TV?

Jake did to Miley.

And the greatest lesson learnr from this TV series,

You'll never have anyone else like family.
And my favorite song till now from the Hannah Montana series is the one is episode 13 of season 2 where Miley's dad wrote her a song.

Ready, Set, Don't go.
Live duet version by Billy and Miley Cyrus in HD
(Post of this song last year here)
I've also watched her Best of Both Worlds in 3D format.

Super cool!!!!
And now, after a long wait of 6 long months after getting know of the new Hannah Montana movie, it's finally coming soon in Singapore this June which is no time long away!!! Hurray!!!

I've searched online for some of ther songs and music videos and I would my new favorite song is Butterfly Fly Away.
Live version with Billy Ray Cyrus
You tucked me in,
turned out the light
kept me safe and sound at night
Little girls depend on things like that
Brushed my teeth and combed my hair
Had to drive me everywhere
You were always there when I looked back
You had to do it all alone
Make a living, make a home
Must have been as hard as it could be
And when I couldn't sleep at night
Scared things wouldn't turn out right
You would hold my hand and sing to me
Caterpillar in the tree
How you wonder who you'll be
Can't go far but you can always dream
Wish you may and wish you might
Don't you worry,
hold on tight
I promise you there will come a day
Butterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away
(Butterfly fly away)
Got your wings,
now you can't stay
Take those dreams and make them all come true
Butterfly fly away
(Butterfly fly away)
You've been waiting for this day
All along and know just what to do
Butterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away!!!
Why do I like this song?
Well, I guess I would say that when I hear this song, it actually reminds me of my Dad myself. It really brings tha whole family feel out and with them, father and daughter, singing it, it really makes me feel more for the song. Whenever I stayover at my Dad's place, my Dad will tuck me into bed when I was younger. But even now, he will still help me to turn off the lights and always make sure that I'm comfortable and safe before going to bed himself. This song really just shows what a Dad, or any other Dad will do for their litle princess I guess. But one day, this little caterpillar princess will turn into a butterfly and fly away from their caring and loving king father.
I miss you, Daddy.

Feel the family love

Catch "HANNAH MONTANA: THE MOVIE" when it hits Singapore cinemas on 4 JUNE 2009!
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