On Tuesday, I finally got to spend couple time with Dann after quite some time as we are super busy with stuff in school and work for Dann. So I went down to Orchard and waited for Dann to end work while walking around a little to plan on what to buy at the end of the week when I get my final pay from attachment. I found this mirror right outside of Nike and camwhored a little. Nobody walks to that area okay~ hardly...
Kuan Wei commented on my Facebook saying that I super zi lian lah!

Oh well... If I not zi lian, will you people still read my blog? I still have the feeling the answer is "yes". hahahaha... Oh goss... What's wrong with me? hahahaha...
Thank you all for reading my blog! ( * ^ - ^ * )
After Dann ended his work, we went over to Cold Storage to get "some" finger food. We weren't both very hungry thus we wanted to only get some finger food before going for out movie but we ended up spending over $18 on sushi and 2 bottles of drinks! hahaha... Ya... "finger" food...
We found a place to sit down and eat up our sushi which was yummy yummy before walking towards the Cathay for our movie.
We stopped by Plaza Singapura awhile as the weather was killing me and we ended up stuck at the new UFO machine "shop" just outside Action City for another Tigger! Dann was like trying to catch the freaking rabbit in the machine for around 15 mins (or more) and spent like $38 on that Tigger!!! You could see how fustrated the person working there was at Dann as she kept telling him how to catch but he just can't catch it! hahaha...
So once after we "caught" the rabbit and exchanged it for the Tigger we wanted, we rushed to the Cathay and collected our tickets at the ticketing booth as we were late by about 5 mins already. Thankfully the movie just started when we went in.

Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian
This movie is freaking funny and I kept laughing and giggling throughout the movie (even when Dann was not tickling me). I serious feel that it's much much more funnier than the first one. You should so watch it for yourself!
Rated 5 Stars!!!!
And now for my new Tigger member!
TADA!!! I name it Tizzo!
Isn't it just adorable in that yukata and this cute head band and holding a uchiwa that says "Tigger"!!! hahahaha...
I know the close-up photo of the uchiwa is blur but that's because Tizzo is still in the plastic bag. I intend to let it out to breathe some fresh(or not so fresh either) air after I've shifted house. =)
Yesterday, I was waiting very impatiently in the office for the time to end as I was super looking forward to dinner!
Meow~~~ thinking of my crabby~~~
So after work I met up with everyone else at Ang Mo Kio for dinner. We didn't have natsu practice yesterday but had this dinner instead. Weird thing was, why was Zhi Sen there? He's not even in Natsu this year?!
We settled down at the usual coffee shop we always go after meetings and practices. We go there so often and as Dann always order the same thing, the auntie will even go up to Dann and ask him "so curry pork rice huh (in chinese)?"
I was taking photos of just anyone there and when I first took a photo of Eileen they all, Eileen asked what was I doing. Like duh~ I'm holding a camera. So I told her that I was playing the new downloaded Bleach on my camera. (-_-) Lame I know...
Dann didn't wanna let me take photos last night. He kept saying "paparazzi!!!" whenever I attempt to take a photo of him.
I don't know what happened but Jia Hui don't feel normal in this photo.
hahaha.. I have a feeling that many people is gonna kill me for posting this post especially Jia Hui.
Steve and Xiang Min in the background. I kinda like this photo. hahaha..
Me? I'm just waiting for foooooooood~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
What's there on the other side?
Evil Eyes and Lovely Smiles
Finally I got to see Emily again after a month?! Meow she cropped off her long hair~~~
Nike stuff on a chair. Dann's black Nike bag, my green Nike bag and a bag of Nike stuff which I won from Nuffnang and Dann helped me collect them earlier yesterday.
And the late people are finally here... What's with that face man!
*Look at Zhi Sen's face!*
As usual, COKE is the main drink in JMD. hahaha...
Only minority drinks other drinks...
And yes! Finally!!! After years, I finally have clear photo of Fook Yu!!! The one right on the left!!! wahahahaha!!! I'm not taking this photo down man!
Chitty Chatties while Ban Theng's eyes were STILL stuck to the television.
Me super bored while still waiting for people to come and Dann and Xiang Min decide on the food. Showing off my Nike lanyard that I'm using for my shiroii-chan AKA camera. hahaha...
And ya... Steve and Dann were discussing what food to order while Uncle Xiang Min settle some stuff with lousy Lue Song. hump! I'm being petty now. Don't bother.
Faster decide lah~~~ hungry~~~
This was supposed to be quite another nice photo but WHY DID MY FLASH COME OFF!!! argh!
As you can see, they were all bored from waiting already and Ban Theng's eye were STILL stuck on the TV.
SEE!!! Eileen and Jo also bored liao~!
This was the unglam photo of Jia Hui I was talking about then. hahaha.. Finally! Ban Theng's eye were no longer on the TV!
Zhi Sen and his girlfriend passing out the forks and spoons...
ARGH! Laugh until so happy for what?! Why their crab come first?!
Jia Hui drippling saliva sia~~~
So the chilli crab was served at Zhi Sen's side first and our side we had the salted egg one first. I don't like salted egg so I only ate the chilli crab. Yummy~
Everybody digging in while I was sitll taking photos.
I have no idea why but I kept snapping photos of Zhi Sen with his mouth wide opened. lol
More food more food
Jia Hui can't wait to eat lah! She was super happy that she was sitting right in between both tables lor. hahaha...
Crabby claw tha Steve gave me after knowing that I don't eat salted egg. So nice of him~~~ But soon he regreted.
He found another claw in the chilli crab plate and just look at how small his crabby claw was!
Somewhat all the food that we order for each table but each plate of crabs on each table was different.
So no more photos when it was eating time as I so do not wanna dirty my shiroii-chan!
After eating, after getting my hands washed, it's time for photo again!
Finally! Dann let me take photo of him! hahaha...
Fook yu... Don't hide lah~ The more you hide the more ugly the photo gets. muahahaha
Happy banch of people!
After dinner, we all went to Mac for some drinks and further chats.
Really feel GREAT to have such a big JMD family! Love y'all!!!
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