BUT THEN! Do check back soon like maybe say tomorrow or Thursday on the exclusive post on ION Orchard! *Hope my package will be here today...*
And also, I'll soon blog about the stuff that I've won from Nuffnang, too, after Dann pass me my stuff after collection on my behalf as I am still stuck in this horrible place call office till the end of this week, this Friday!!!
And ya... HURRAY!!! My torturous attachment is finally coming to an end!!! Congrats to all others too!!! wahahahaha...
For those who are graduating this week, congrats. And, case close. stop telling/asking me anything about graduation cause you people are fortunate enough to not get affected by the
So ya. Stop getting on my nerves like someone who already did. Keep your freaking comments to yourself. It will bu much much appreciated.
So ya, back to some random updates first before shopping updates.
On the first day of this month, 1st of May, Labour Day, I was working for Love Droplets again and this time we did a decor back at Living Praise Church, the church that I have to go every week during Chapel and Girls' Bridage during my secondary school days. And Swee Kei (don't really know how to spell his name), senior of my sister, Boys' Bridage officer, was the wedding co-ordinator? Anyway.. it just really brought back some good memories of my secondary school days and I can still picture my class sitting right at the back of the chapel and half of us sleeping away. oops! =X
And that day, I have the very first non-man-made-on-purpose hole in my socks!
Heehee... Sorry if you're eating and saw this. =p
Next, fruit of the month. This will be the last fruit of the month I'll be posting cause since I no longer work/attach to this company anymore so I won't be getting any fruit of the month anymore, too.
And the fruit of the month is...
*Just look at how big the dragon fruit is! You can't even see my hand lah!*
Next, I've been really busy, not with any blogger stuff currently other than waiting for stuff to come in and blog about them, I've been really busy involved in school stuff again. Not academic stuff but stuff related to Sakuran Club. I'm like going to school around 2-3 times a week for natsu practice and meetings for another upcoming event. Will blog about when the time is right.
I'm like going to school so often that Branden is like so used to it already and will even ask, "not going to school huh?" instead of in the past where he will go "huh?! go school?! for what?!"
And one fine day when I was on my way to the club room, I walked passed the car park at Blk N area and I saw this.
A Squirrel!!!
It's like so cute and so lost lah! And also, I think it was very frightened and didn't know where to go and stuff.
Every weekend is a tiring one(s) and every Sunday is the time to "recharge".
One Sunday, Jia hui, Gerry and I went to Xiang Min's house to wii and we played this favorite game of mine where you have to hit down as many blocks as possible and stuff. And when we were playing the game that's something like UNO Stacko, Jia hui brilliantly had the blocks ending up like that and then answer a call and went home.
What the... how to play sia~~~
OK. Now for updates on my shopping stuff!
Wuhu!!! Jessica's and my dresses are here!!!
(original order post here)
You so should see the way the person packed them all together lah!
Looked and felt like a pillow sia~!
So here's my dresses!
Demin top with white bottom dress, inspired from ViVi magazine.
Black lace top/dress, also inspired from ViVi magazine
And Jessica's navy blue high-waisted jumper skirt and 2-piece-like dress!
Ok. I actually wore both dresses of mine like twice each already so if you did see the post on Star Trek Preview Gala, JMD 7th anniversary and also the Samsung Camera Project, you would have seen me in both dresses. heehee...
And like I do every beginning of the month, I'll either buy cosmetics or restock my skin care products!
More stuff from ZA!!!
My new moisturiser from ZA. I've finished using my Loreal one and decided not to buy it anymore as it's really like sticky and stuff and I just dislike the feeling of it if I don't apply powder over it. My hair sticks onto my face the whole day lah! And with this humid weather in Singapore, it just feels even worst. So I changed to this ZA one and so far, no complains! I love it!
But there's one thing I am still very puzzled... Look at the label behind.
Can anyone educate me what's "horny layer"? I only notice the label when I was at KFc with the rest of the people for dinner that night. hahaha... Japanese translation can be really bad and misleading at times...!
And also got myself my 2nd face powder from ZA. I was like so kuku I forgot to just buy the powder but bought the whole powder and case! DUMB! Waste money, waste resources! Argh~ I shall not do that anymore!
(Dress brought mentioned above worn in this photo)
I guess all of you have already realised and know that I've gotten my blue contact lens.
it's from Freshlook. I heard many people conplaining about this brand of contact lens and now I guess I am one of them, too.
I've gotten the True Sapphire ones from the Colorblend series and I would say I really love the color A LOT! But I guess that's the only thing I like about it.
First thing first, the innner circle isn't big enough so I can actually see a circle around my eyes as the circle is actually covering my pupil a little. Maybe Asian's pupils are bigger? hahaha...
Next, it's soft lens and it's super hard to put in. OK. Maybe putting it in isn't the that bad after you get the hang of it. But taking it out is really a problem. Once I actually couldn't take out the left side on my contacts and spent like 10 mins in the toilet, trying all menthods, trying to take it out! I ended up like poking my eyeball a little! OUCH! In the end I got so so so so anxious and scared that it wil never come out that I started tearing in the toilet which was only then then I was able to take it out. BAD~~~ This NEVER happened to me with Freshkon Lens!
And lastly, it runs all over the place super easy so you can't evn like gentlely rub the sides of your eyes! Thankfully whenever I wear my colored lens I'll have makeup on so I'll try as hard as possible not ro rub my eyes if not my makeup will smudge and stuff!
Just bought this brush last week and wuhu! Love it!
I've always had a hard time trying to blow my hair straight so I finally gave up and decided to invest in one of this kind of brush.
(Wet hair, just after my shower)
Let's start with the experiment to see if it really works and helps hair to be blown straight easily!
And after a really brief blow using this magical brush! hahaha...
TADA!!! Straight hair with one side done, all dry in less around 3 minutes!!!
So continue to dry the rest...
TADA!!! Straight hair in less than 10 minutes!!!
Even my natural curls are much much more straightened!!!
And lastly, the package that I've been wating for the whole month...
My ballet flats from EarlGreyParty from Korea!!!
(original post on flats here)
Isn't it just pretty?
And one more thing, it's really very comfortable lor!!!
Good stuff!
And lastly,
ahaha... Scare you with my naked face.
edited/inserted content on 27 May 2009 at 9.13am
ok... I'm editing this post cause I forgot to update the stuff that I bought on Monday and also the movie reviews of movies I've watched this month. Not alot, but still I wanna blog about them.
So on Monday, I went down to find my boyfriend for a while and restock some nesscessities.
So here's what I got from Watsons.
Femine wash, wet tissues, pore pack and hand sanitizer.
Ok... You people must have seen me blogging about me buying femine wash and this Watson's wet tissue a couple of times already so I shall not blog individual photos of them.
Detol hand sanitizer. Kills 99.9% of germs without water. I've always wanted to get one but just constantly forgetting about it whenever I shop around Watsons or any other drug store. But I'm like seeing it every weekdays for the past few weeks as whenever I go to Cheers to get my drink in the morning, the hand sanitizer will be right beside the counter which is constantly reminding me to get one. hahaha... Oh well. It is also the time of war against swine flu! So having one of this is actually quite a good thing ya?!
Pore pack. OK. I did not get this from any of the Watson's outlet in town but the one nearer to my house. It's the limited white grape one and it smells super sweet! I'm always very afraid of using something that stinks especially when it comes to stuff to be put on my face even for that mere 10-15mins. I'll die~~~ hahaha... too exggerated I know.
So there's 10 pieces of it in each box. They also have the peach one which is the black pack instead. So I gave it a try that Monday night to try to egt rid of some black heads.
*Sorry for constantly scaring you with my nake face in this post. This is last I promise*
Lastly, es1 movie review as I wanna keep whatever that I've done yesterday to a later date as I don't have some photos that I wanna take yet. heehee...

So I've watch Angels & Demons last Friday with JMD people (except Eileen, Shawn & Cathy who's not from JMD). Oh well, anyway, I like this movie lots! Though I didn't really dare to watch the scene where the first "Earth" person died. I just thought that the scene will look disgusting and yucky and stuff.
Like I said, I like this movie lots and it really kept me thinking throughout the whole movie to guess who on earth is that mastermind behind all these! Maybe if it for someone like me who like shows like Kindaichi or Conan, you will like this movie too!
Rated 5 stars!
Ok. That's all everyone!
Have a nice day!
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