so i shall start from new year's eve!
ok, that day like i posted when i was at home, i was in great pain. spent my day rolling all over the bed trying to find a position so that i will not feel any pain and hopefully being able to fall asleep. and i ended up falling asleep lying flat on my stomach on the bed with a big pillow under my stomach with my laptop left switched on right beside me and television also swtiched on at disney channel. i was awoken by dann's call at around 6pm like that after his work that day at office. and sinced i'm no longer in great pain, i made my way down to uncle xiang min's house. (i already told kathy that i couldnt join her that night before i fell asleep)
so i got myself onto the train and had sometime on my own, reading my book! hahaha... met gerry at the mrt station where the both of us went for dinner at the food court at hougang mall whereas F3 had their time at mac.
after dinner, we went to fairprice with the guys to get some drinks and snacks before going to xiang min's house. well, that day we had OZ, elmo and naz with us too~! basically we spent our night watching camp rock on disney channel, played wii and watched videos on youtube! hahaha.. and i was like super tired after playing the boxing game on wii lah! after the first round, which i won dann, i was already very very tired. but dann wanted to play again as he feels that that's something wrong with the wii that day and stuff (rubbish!) so we played again and ya... i lost this time as my arm was like aching like mad already and i couldnt even bring my right arm up to block, defend myself lor~
and soon it was midnight! and i was super tired.
that night i basically like dropped dead lah! dead log sleeping!!!! hahahahaha...
so ok. that's all for my new year's eve.
on new year day itself, well, i got up at around 11am like that then we had breakfast (or should i say brunch) then i went home, showered and started preparing go to out for dinner with kathy, ign and darz.
so i met kathy at around 6.30pm like that on the train and made our way to somerset as we're having dinner at shokudo at heeren that night. when we reached there, the both of us went in first and got ourselves some drinks while waiting for darz and ign. stupid darz! ok... i shall say here, he NEVER replies my sms(s) one lor~ ever sinced he gotten a phone in secondary school till now, seriously, even when i was his girlfriend, he still hardly replies sms(s) one lah! (and even answer phone calls too) apparently, he just doesnt reply MY sms(s)! roar~ like i always wanted to tell him, then what for get a phone!? and yup. complained that to him that night. hahahahaha...
ok... so back to kathy and i waiting for that 2 guys. we both know that the 2 of them are coming together but we only saw ign when they arrived. why? cause darz was with his friends~ (army friend i guess) so in the end kathy, ign and i sat at a table and darz and his other 3 friends sat at another table which is like beside the corner of the wall we're sitting at. (ok, my explaination sucks i know)
and seriously, we (kathy, ign and i) ordered quite alot of food which if you're adding up the amount that the 3 of us spent, it's like over $100. but most of the money went to sashimi which IGN PAID FOR THEM!!! wahahahaha~~~~!!!!! ok. why on earth am i like so happy and stuff? cause ign never treats us! he said before but that treat just didnt come over the past few years! and even when we go out, we still have to pay for him that kind~ so ya. FINALLY!!!! hahahaha...
that night i got stuffed! at kathy's unwanted roasted barley tea. she ordered it and ended up me drinking it as she thought that it is sweet which isnt. so ya... i had to finish it on top of my macha float, prawn omelette, prawn yakitori and the sashima we all shared which is like alot lor~ and ya! she still had her kani zosui (crab porridge) which she didnt like and also was quite full after eating like 5 mouths that ign and i had to help to finish and which that darz just didnt wanted to help us! what the~ ARMY BOY!!!! EAT MORE LAH!!!
after dinner kathy and i followed ign to the shop ign's working at as i also wanted to ask if tehre's vacancy for part-time job during my short break and stuff while darz and his friends went to to play pool first.
as ign's phone was flat that night and kathy and i just had nothing else better to do for that moment after leaving the shop ign's working at and stuff, we (or rather i) had decided to send ign to the place where he met (supposingly) darz and the other guys. by the time we reached the pool place, darz and the guys werent there yet as they were waiting for some other people at plaza singapura. but darz made his way down first to meet ign so kathy and i left ign alone waiting for darz at the mac nearby whereas the both of us went walking around alittle after much much consideration and stuff, we've decided to go to my house to watch ponyo when we're on the bus to kathy's house.

ok... ponyo is like super cute~! but then was kinda disappointing. guess i expected too much ba~
so after finishing the movie, i sent kathy out to take cab home then walked home, and started reading my emails and stuff before showering after dann got home and sleep!!! hahahaha...
next's it's friday, the 2nd day of this new year!
after FYP that day, uncle xiang min came to school to fetch me as dickson's car was with him as he's not in town for that few days. and seriously lor~ the scene when uncle xiang min drove in in that red mazda and in shades, he look super shuai lah! no kidding lor~! hahahaha...
then we made our way down to forum WITHOUT LOSING OUR WAY! and had some drinks where waiting for dann to end work at coffee bean. oh well, i was like so hungry lor~ hahahaha... and finally at 7pm plus dann arrived after his day of work!!! hahahaha... we went to orchard hotel for subway for dinner before going to cash studio for karaoke session!!! heehee... first time hear xiang min sing SO MANY CHINESE SONGS lor!!! and why? cause rooms that has the dem (japanese songs) system were all fully booked so xiang min was only left with chinese songs to sing for that 3 hours of KTV session! heehee...
haiz... i feel that my singing has de-proved. sadded. shall practice more liao! hahahaha...
after KTV, we decided on having supper and as we were driving pass OZ's house, we've decided to call OZ out for supper too! ok, OZ did join us but he didnt eat anything as he just had his supper with his friends. well, dann and xiang min has pungol nasi lemak whereas i had prawn chee cheong fan and one piece of otah! hahaha.. yummy!!!
after supper, xiang min then sent OZ home, then me, then dann before driving home himself. and tada! that's my firday night! wahahahaha!!!
saturday, 3rd day of this new year!
well i got up on the morning and made my way down to school to meet the guys. well, they were playing basketball in the morning. by the time i reached school, they had finished playing but havent showered yet! (it was already 1pm then) and JMD was having singing practice for open house. erm~ i shall see that day. ganbatte ne minna! so we got on the car, and xiang min drove us from Blk N (south end of the school) to Blk E (north end of the school) and they all went to shower. (_ _'") hahaha... so OZ and i waited outside the clubrooms near the toilet as we're the only 2 that didnt do any sport of stuff that day.
after them showering, we all then went down to queensway and during the slow traffic along the way, steve who was sitting beside me then fell asleep and he was like somehow lying on me liao. hahaha... tired people~
so we reached queensway and we had our lunch at the market nearby. dann, xiang min and i had the craypot laksa which was YUMMY!!! hahaha... and so was the grass jelly i had after that! heehee...
after lunch, we went shopping at queensway shopping centre (or isnt plaza?) ok.. it was supposed to be everyone shopping but it ended up like only dann and i shopping the most. the rest went to mac while dann and i were shopping for my lunar new year stuff. well, dann got a nike t-shirt and i've got a nike polo-T (2008 olympics series one), a pink jordan 1 (4Y girls one) and a pink and white straps dress(supposingly top). and to my horror, not only did i saw dolls in a few shops, i saw that horrible idiotic freaking doll in one of the shop. ARGH!
after shopping, daniel dropped me at outrum park mrt station as i had to go to my dad's house for mok family pot luck dinner before driving with dann to meet xiang min, OZ and steve at vivocity.
the mok family pot luck dinner~
as expected, there's always way too much food for all of us to eat. and to make things worst, 2 of our big eaters were not there. my gu jie's (my dad's younger sister) husband was not here that day. guess his working ba... he is a busy doctor no matter what. and also my cousin, alex, was not there that day too as he was already in camp. army boy now~ and to our
so we had dinner from like 7pm till 10pm plus plus plus. haiz.. super full!!!
raymond brought my sis and i back home at 11pm. (i know the time cause dann called me as he was worried sinced i had not told me that i've reached home by 11pm then)
i was super tired when i got home BUT! my sister somehow forced me to play hotel, the boardgame with her and raymond.

ok... i played like half-heartedly and guess what, my sister was the first to go bankrupt! wahahahaha!!!!! and soon raymond gone bankrupt too and sold all his lands to MUA! wahahahaha!!! so it ended up that i won!!!! but sadly i did not fulfil my wish to be able to build my lands all fully before ending the game.
ok... i took photos but then i cant upload them now~! roar~!
so after shower and stuff, i went off to lala land~ heehee...
yesterday, sunday, the 4th day of this new year!
i woke up early in the morning and went to dann's house first. and yeah!!! watched doraemon together!!! heehee... i guess even if i did intend to watch doraemon in the morning but in the comfort of my own bed, i always end up sleeping still and not waking up to watch doraemon. so... going dann's house is somehow the only way i get to watch doraemon! heehee...
after doraemon, we continued to watch okto channel and dann prepared for work. wahahahaha~~~~ huggy didi!!! (didi is my bear cushion if you dont remember)
so after dann got ready his stuff, we went to KFC for early lunch before heading down orchard road then dann and i got some drinks before dann went for his work and i went back to the mrt station to wait for li jin!
after finding a place for me to sit at the station, i read my book while waiting for jin. and as expected, she's late. hahaha... sadly heng jie couldnt join us yesterday either as she has some stuff to settle.
after jin arrived, we first head towards lido to get our movies tickets for yes man.

after getting the tickets, we went to pepper lunch where jin had her lunch and i ate salad to accompany her. passed to her the shiseido eye shadow i got for her christmas present. well, hope she like it and i guess that would be her first step to getting in touch with cosmetics ba.
next we went down to takashimaya as jin wanted to collect her taka vouchers. but then she couldnt collect it as she has to collect the vouchers from the post office which obiviously isnt open on sundays. so went for a walk around taka so jin can like decide what she wanna buy after collecting her vouchers.
ok... we seriously forgot the time when we were looking at the toys department. when i asked jin what time was it, she looked at her watch and told me "4pm." but i did felt abit weird so i toou out my phone and saw the time "4.54pm"!!!! HORROR!!! the movie we're watching is at 5pm!!! OH SHARKS!!!!
so we rushed our way down to lido and made it to the cinema at 5.05pm. and sadly, there werent any advertisments thus we missed the first 5 mins of the show.
the movie was nice and funny! hahahaha... i was kinda lost at the ending but jin told me the reason behind it. freaking stupid lah! hahahahaha....
after the movie, we went to dome at shaw for dinner. well, jin had quite a normal tomato based spagetti whereas i got myself teriyaki chicken with lingunie. pardon me with my horrible spelling.
after dinner, we went down to nike singapore where jin looked around and stuff.
after nike, we went to cotton on and once again jin and i got ourselves similar clothes as their are like those 2 for $20 kind. hahaha... and when jin went to try the clothes the 2nd time, I MET GERRY!!! hahaha... she accompanied her brother to the shop for some stuff and her brother was like telling me "why you not then come and visit? when i'm working you dont come and visit, now that i'm not working here then you come and visit..." hahaha... seriously, i initially thought that her brother was still working there. hahaha...
so after jin and i got our clothes, we went to taka again as i wanted to buy ice cream and jin wanted to "get" a cap. walked around stadium and some other shops and sadly i didnt get myself ice cream as there wasnt any flavours that i felt like eating. meow~ then we shopped around shops along the way from taka's basement to the mrt station through taka and wisma before jin went home and i went to cineleisure to wait for dann.
so i went to burger king, got myself a hersey's sundae pie and a large cup of coke. found a sit and sat down and started reading my book! wahahahaah... that time was around 9.45pm. so i ate my pie, read my book, drank my coke and at around 10pm plus, xiang min called me and then he came over. gonna discuss stuff with dann...
so xiang min ate he super late dinner while we wait for dann after his work. when dann arrived, we shifted to the cafe outside of cine as burger king closes at 11pm. then... i hear story story story. ok. i listened cause it seriously isnt possible for me to not register any single thing in my mind.
talk talk talk... we left the cafe at around 12mn and we caught the last train to jurong home.
ok... that's all.
and now the 5th day of new year, my phone's battery is flat from like 1pm, the time now is 4.27pm. and i'm acting super busy and trying not to get caught blogging as the head of this lab is sitting right beside of me!
ok... i guess that's all for now.
have a great day everyone!
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