And now, since I have some time, I'm gonna post my previous post in English. Translated text are in italic. heehee...
Good day everyone! It's been a long long long time sinced I blogged in Japanese or even practise or type Japanese ever sinced I last contacted Kojima-san back last year when it was near summer. Today is a special day, a day where one of my long time dream came true and I'm gonna try to blog in Japanese again!
[I'm in Japan, I'm in Tokyo now!!! I'm in Japan, I'm in Tokyo. wahahaha!!!
Tokyo is very cool. The clothes I bought from China(Shen Zhen) is good.
I ate Japan's MOS Burger today! It is very delicious! I didn't go anywhere as I reached Tokyo about 7pm.
Yes yes, everything before this is all a lie. Just kidding and I'm really sorry.
Today morning, I went to watch movie with boyfriend. We watched "Knowing". It's a goood movie. But, it is a little scary too. Next, we went shopping. Etc etc...
Today, I met many of my friends. Friends from seconday school, high school (Poly), and others too.
OK. I'll end here for today.
Sorry that I lied but I just couldn't stop myself from posting that bo liao post because of what I wore that day. Now, I'm gonna blog about the past few days, including my Good Friday proper in English alright.
Good Friday.
Like i blogged in my previous post and translated just now, I met up with Dann (my boyfriend duh~) in the morning to catch a movie.

It is a great movie and personally, I find it pretty cool though it is a little scary
to some scenes. And, so sad~~~ *sobz* it is also a sad movie and I actually almost wanted to cry. ='(Great movie. I would rate it 5 stars!!! hahaha...
Anyway, I have the official movie poster for Knowing and am selling it. I'm not sure which poster is it cause I myself have not open it up and take a look at it. Price neg. Do email me at for more details. Thanks!
After the movie, we went to Cityhall for a little shopping and Dann got me my first ATAS wallet!!!
heehee.. I LOVE MY NEW WALLET!!! Ok. I did not ask Dann to get me that wallet. We were just taking a look around a certain shop and when we were queueing at Royal Sporting House to pay some stuff, Dann passed the wallet to me. He totally bought it without me knowing lor~ meow! (*^-^*)
After that, we went to Mac for some coke before heading back to Dhoby Ghuat. I was supposed to meet Li Jin for ice skating that day after movie and shopping with Dann and Dann was supposed to go and play basketball with Marcus but due to the horrible heavy rain out there, they have to cancel that basketball game and it is super duper inconvinent for me to get to Leisure Park, Jin and I cancelled our ice skating plan, too. And ya, that explains why on earth did I wear like that and actually brought gloves out when I still living on the humid and warm island, Singapore.
So Dann and I got back to Plaza Singapura where we had Gelare waffle ice cream and we both realised that the waffle there is like super small lor~ So ya. We've decided to stick to our usual place for Gelare waffles.
Where? Don't tell you leh~
We met up with Marcus soon after our waffle for a little while before he left for a musical. Dann and I then just chill at MOS Burger while waiting for the rest to come. And ya. That is the reason why I blogged that I ate Japan's MOS Burger.
After OZ, Celeste, Gerry and Ezzat arrived, we made our way up to the food court where I met someone that is serioulsy very very hard to get hold of and meet cause he always go missing 30days before meeting day. ARGH! And who is the person? ALVIN YUEN!!! And apparently the 3 musketeers were out together. Alvin, Darren and Ignatius. And ya. From now onwards, all my cab fare shall be paid by Darren Teh because I told them I wasn't able to meet Jin for ice skating due to the rain and Dar was like "take cab lah!" (not exact words though but the meaning is there) So I told him that he shall pay for all my cab fares from that point onwards and he didn't make a single sound.
So ya. He shall pay!!! You army boy!!! Oh ya! I just took cab to work. Are you paying, Dar? Need me to give you my account number then you transfer give me? heehee...
After dinner, we then went to TCC for some drinks and snacks, just chit chat too where uncle Xiang Min joined us after his long sleep till evening that day! hahaha... And Dann was like having fun with a green bug. OK. Not posting any photos of the green bug cause I'm afraid that people may puke. hahaha. Just kidding. It's not gross and DANN DID NOT KILL IT. Dann just make sure that it stay still for him to take photos. Poor bug. Dann was like saying that it must have regreted flying towards the patch of black grass. lol. Inside joke. Will not blog in details.
That's all for Friday.
Dann and I went down to school in the morning as we wanted to go for a swim but I seriously did not want to get into the pool cause it was super duper sunny and I didn't wanna get tanned. So we ended up staying at E318, watching the juniors practise for their club crawl performance. Not commenting here cause I know that my juniors are reading. But no matter what, ganbatte ne! But I am glad to see (or just feel) that some of these lovely juniors really wanna learn and am already taking the role as soon-to-be seniors and thinking for the next coming batch already. =) 嬉しい
After that, I accompanied Dann to see the doctor as he wasn't feeling well before going home to shower before heading to Xiang Min's house. Dann, Gerry and I watched movies there, Xiang Min and someone (constantly changing person) playing PS3 and the magic gang plays their magic cards. =) heehee...
After that, Dann, Gerry and I came back to Gerry and my neighbourhood area for some snack and had a little chat at Mac before Dann went home and I walked Gerry home before taking a bus home myself. Gerry totally freaked me out that night while walking her home. We were walking and chatting at the same time where she suddenly turned my head towards our left, away from the road which is on out right and kept saying "Look left look left! Don't look right, don't look right!" Seriously, at the instant at was like "what?!" and thinking that there's some walking dolls opposite the road or something though I know logically it isn't possible and if it really is, I doubt Gerry's reaction will be just like that! And what was it? It because she just saw animal, don't know whether is it a bird or rat or something that just got squash over by a vechicle and the blood was like bursted out and all on the road. ya. She didn't want me to see that scene and toatlly freaked me out but actually turning my head and not telling me what happened!
And one last thing for that day,

Yeah! Dann and I are offically together are 20 months already! Why is that offical word there? Cause if not offically then is 21 months lor~ Not explaining further. muahahahaha....!!!
(The photo above was taken on this year's Valentine's Day)
Sunday, yesterday!
I woke up, got ready and made my way down to Orchard, to ARTICA at Far East Plaza for my hair cut. YEAH!!! Finally I got my hair cut! I initially thought that I was gonna get my hair cut the other time at Toni and Guy for the hair show but Hartono only dye my hair and didn't cut it at all. Meow~ Oh ya. Sorry for the delay but I'll try to get the post up for the hair show by this weekend. Jess's back, I've gotten the photos but I really have alot of serious picking to do cause there's alot alot alot of photos from her camera!
So after an hour plus (almost 2 hours) at ARTICA, my hair is finally trimmed properly and I love my new hairstyle now!
Normal look
Messy look
So how? How do you find it? heehee...
So after my haircut, I followed Dann and Marcus to a CC for their basketball and I just sat aside and eat my potato chips and played Bleach on Dann's PSP.
New flavor!!! Mayonnaise!!!
OK. It may not be that new a flavor but it's my first time eating it and...
After basketball, Dann and I went home first where we showered and I watched TV while waiting before we head out for good dinner! yum yum~ I think that dinner last night was the first time I actually ate that much ever sinced I was sick 1-2 weeks back. meow~ I still feel a little full but sadly my office area does not sell salad. =(
In short, it was a very simple but great day yesterday.
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