above picture is a screenshot of my email
Dior is now lauching their new Diorshow Iconic Extreme Mascara which is a improved version of their previous Diorshow Iconic Mascara. And as you can see in the mai, the picture above, Cotters get to sign up for their Ironic flash eye makeover and get a free sample of their Dior eye cream. PLUS! With any purchase of Diorshow Iconic Extreme Mascara, we can also receive a Diorshow Iconic Mascara sample!!!
How cool!!!
You may be like me, wondering what big deal is it about this Diorshow Iconic Mascara? Well... why not look at the reviews yourself?! Follow this link here to CozyCot's review page on Diorshow Iconic Mascara. Almost 90% of the people reviewed gave it 5 whole shiny bling bling stars!!!
So are you feeling the itch now wanting to get hold of one to try? Or like me, simply can't wait for the makeover so that you get to try it even without purhcasing one? well, that's the good thing of being a Cottter! I love CozyCot!
Wanna be a Cotter too to enjoy such great stuff, more great stuff?! Click here to go to CozyCot's website now! Don't forget your referral quentria!
And now after all these about Dior's new mascara, I wanna share a blog with all girls out here!!! And it is...http://www.skindeco.net/!!! There's like so much so much stuff on this girl's blog! Make Up, Skin Care, Cosmetics, Tutorials, Reviews and More!
I just this tutorial for eye makeup and it's like suuuuper pretty okay?!
(click on the above photo to go to her tutorial post)
How?! Very Super Duper Uper Pretty right?! oh~~~ I wanna try doing that too!!! First thing first! buy more eye shadow~~~ hahahaha... Cause all my eye shadows and stuff are all similar, all towards brown as I wanna be able to use them daily and for natural look. So ya. BUY MORE EYE SHADOW!!!
Ok. There are many many more tutorials and tips and stuff so you can check it out yourself! Oh~~~ I'm so gonna bookmark that blog!!! wahahahahaha!!!!!
And one last thing before I end my post.
Have you always wanted to get some Make ups, fragrance or skincare stuff but feel the pain everytime you spend hundreds and hundreds when you buy them? Well, my friend, Eugenia, has found a supplier where you can get your stuff at super low price! Original advertorial on her blog here.
Cosmetics: YSL, Dior, Anna Sui, Guerlain, Benefit, Estee Lauder...MANY MORE!!
Fragrance: Stella Mccartney, Escada, Davidoff , Polo, Armani, Dior..MANY MORE!!
Skincare: Kose, La prarie, shiseido...MANY MORE!!!
Just contact my dear babe via her blog here.
*Oh I hope the supplier has the mascara!!!*
Ok. That's gonna be all for now!
Stay pretty everyone!
Have a nice day!
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