Yippe! Disney Pixar's new movie "Up" is coming right up in Singapore soon in just 2 week's time! (Else than that actually) From now to the 7th of August 2009, it's like only 13 days! wahahahaha!!! I so so so wanna watch it in 3D man!
As a matter of fact, I've just watched it in a movie marathon a couple of hours ago which Dann and I chiong down to Cineleisure on the 10 July, 15 days ago, early in the morning at around 10am plus just to buy our tickets for this movie marathon which screened 3 Disney movies -- Car, Ratatoulie and of course, UP!!!
Just to show you, here are the goodies I got from the Disney Movie Marathon!
There's cars toys (varies in different goodie bags), coco pop cereals, a paper UP character which I got Russell (also varies in different goodie bags) all in the cool Cars paper bag. Not forgetting that we each had a UP Popcorn combo each!
See the toy on the cup!
Cute right?! Balloons~~~!!!
Anyway, back to the movie.
Firstly, I would say I really love the character Russell!

He is really super cute and it really showed how far a kid would go, how much a kid would do to earn some things. And his love for animals! Ah~! Just adorable! And he's like making lots of jokes in the movie which made the movie a pretty funny one, too!
I also like the character Carl a lot as he really showed love in the movie.

Be it his love for his idol, his wife, and in the end his new friends. I was actually pretty touched at the beginning of the movie where it showed the story of Carl and his wife which also explained why he actually flew off with his house! I seriously thought that he was just some old man which wanted to do something extraordinary when I first watched the short trailer of it when I watched Bolt in 3D like months ago! *Melts~* The love within~
Dug, a really cute and speaking dog in the movie which Carl and Russell got to know on their trip to Paradise Falls.

Like mentioned, HE IS REALLY SUPER CUTE!!! Dug is one character that keeps making me laugh, too, throughout the movie other than Russell. "POINT!" (You will understand when you watch the movie yourself)
There are other important characters like Kevin of course!

And also Charles F.Muntz and last but not least, the pack of doggies! Hahaha... You just have to watch them! Especially the "head" the of the pack!

Freaking funny lah! Dann and I just couldn't stop laughing and giggling whenever the "head" came out! Muahahahaha!!!
Seriously, I was a bit sad cos the movies in the movie marathon are all just 2D. Meow~ I sooooo wanna watch UP in 3D lah!
Wait... What?! You have not even watched the trailer yet?!
Tsk tsk tsk~!
Here it is!
Are you ready to go UP UP UP into the sky for a adventurous ride?
UP in Singapore Cinemas opening 7th August 2009!!!
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