I have some time now before rushing out to meet Sok Hiang for lunch before rehearsals for CAF 09 begins this evening. Chiong man~ I feel so dead even though I know I will not die cause I am ウタタ ナメメ!!!
I will not leak any bit of this whole event so if you wanna know, go watch it! hahaha... And I seriously have the feeling that I'll update on it like a few days after the event which is on next Wednesday! heehee... And like I've mentioned in my previous post, limited number of tickets is now being given out to the public. Which means, you don't have to be a student/staff of NYP to get to watch it! And no worries, this year's tickets are all free.
(Scroll down to view previous post for more details)
So last weekend, Cosfest VII was being held at Downtown East. How many of you went there? heehee... How many spotted me on the 2nd day? hahaha... I did notice that one otaku photography snapped a photo of me without my permission. *Idiot Otaku!*
Just like last year, I wore my one and only Lolita outfit I have to CosFest. haha... I wanted to wear my PUNK Emily outfit but I couldn't find the top. Idiot~ hahaha...
And wait, before I go any further on Cosfest, I wanna thank Wendy!!!
hahaha... *HUGS*
Ok. Back to Cosfest. I'm not really gonna blog about the first day cause I was in school busy with practice for Natsu (which is like one month away!!!) and I didn't really stay long on the 2nd day. I really like the photos of one particular photography, Usagi-san, and here is the link to the photos taken by him on the first day and here is the link to photos taken by him on the second day. I was so sadded that my spider pumps spoilt that day at Cosfest itself! Roar~
Lue Song's sister, Hu Ting, gave my some double-sided tape to stick my pumps so that I can at least wear them for some time. ='(
Oh ya.. this reminded me to post up the link of the photos Usagi took at last year's CAF, too! The Black Rabbit @ NYP Cosplay Arts Festival.
Anyway, after leaving Cosfest, Dann, Merloin, Steve and I took a "short" bus ride to Woodlands from Tampines after a short shopping at UNIQLO (is it spelled that like?) hwere Merloin and Steve played their DJ Max arcade game and Dann and I went shopping for pumps to replace my horrible spoilt spider pumps. I didn't buy anything so I had to drag my foot home after dinner. haiz...
On Monday, Jo, Ban Theng and I went shopping for costume parts together and we have apple curry rice at the basement of Far East Plaza for lunch.
It's what Eileen like to eat there so we decided to give it try.
Jo and her Teriyaki Chicken Rice and BT with his Apple curry Pork rice
No photos of me alright. Makeup was like alittle-something-wrong that day.
Anyway.. the apple curry is just very normal. If that was nice, I can also start my own shop selling apple curry already! It's not hard to make lor...
Kinda think about it, I have not been making that for like 1 year plus already? The last time I made was for Dann on one of our anniversary. hahaha.... Forgot which month's anniversary already.. =p
And after shopping, I also got myself the blings to bling my phone and yes I blinged my less than one week old phone. hahaha... So not me to do so. hahaha
Here's my new W980.
Yes. I ditched my Samsung i780 Ultra Messaging to his Sony Ericsson W980 Walkman phone. It's like a downgrade but I'm really happy with it. My i780 is giving lots and lots of problem ever since I bought it.
Yeah~ Get all the stuff I bought ready! hahaha... I did also use some blings that I used for my nails to fill in small empty spaces. lol
Test stick on the plastic protector sheet with blue tack first before sticking it real down.
And this was how it looks like half-way done!
And this is how it looks like now, fully done, after 4 hours PLUS! hahaha...
Ok. That's gonna be all for now. Still have to pack some stuff before going out.
Have a nice day everyone!
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