i did post a freaking angry post with my mobile in the afternoon when i was on my journey to meet dann for dinner earlier on as i've freaking had enough of my mom's nonsense. but i dont know why did it not be received by blogger!!! freak it! stupid blogger! and i've already cleared my outbox of my mobile and i cant re-post it up! what the hell...
oh well.
it's also a bad day for my dad.
cause he just got into a car accident at around 5.15pm today all thanks to a reckless taxi driver! bloody freaking bell dont know traffic rules huh! stupid! cause an accident where my dad hurt his neck and the passenger got a bad cut over his forehead! idiot driver! i dont know what on earth happened to him but after the accident and all he did was to tell my dad "sorry"?! and you know what? this old man (my dad) just didnt wanna let anyone know! not even my stepmom lor~ i only got to know like almost 8pm when i'm about to reach home after my super long train and bus ride home!
i soon met up my sister where we then went to my dad's house as my dad told us not to go to SGH(Singapore General Hospital) as he will be going home soon. after we reached my dad's house, we soon went down to get food as we were both hungry and also to buy food back for my dad too.
we had pasta at Pizzardone at the coffee shop near my dad's house. the pasta is nice but there came a horror. after we've finished our food, my sister found a worm in the bottle of chilli flakes! what the fish! ok. i snapped a photo of the bottle and the worm

yuck! but wait, there wasnt only ONE worm. after taking the photo, i spotted ANOTHER ONE! BUT WAIT AGAIN!!! my sister then asked me to go and tell the person about the worm in the chilli flakes, as i was walked towards the shop, i saw more worms and EVEN MORE WORMS when the person actually opened the bottle to check! and guess what? the freaking irresponsible person just gave me the indifferent look and didnt even say a single thing, no sorry or anything lah! what the bell!!! then he came to clear our plates soon after i walked back to my table, he still didnt say a thing lor! my sister was the only one that ate the chilli flakes so of course she is worried about geeting food poisoning and stuff which she gets super easily~ she told the guy that she'll "find him if i get food poisoning"! and guess what? THE FREAKING GUY STILL DIDNT SAY A SINGLE THING AND STILL GAVE THAT INDIFFERENT FACE LAH!!!! WHAT THE FREAKING BLOODY FISH!
so everyone! beware! be super duper careful at the stuff you eat! especially those that may be placed open-aired for sometime!!!
anyway, so by the time we went back to my dad's house, he's already home with my stepmom and their friends.
haiz... i'm just really greatful and happy that my dad is safe though not really totally injuries-less, but this is already the minimum already. oh thank God. i was so afraid that anything serious would have happened to my dad and was so afraid of losing him.
Thank You God. Amen.
:: posted edited with uploaded photo at 1.13am, 21 Feb 09.
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