good morning!!!
it's my 5th day of FYP
and sinced there isnt much people here yet,
i shall blog about yesterday
cause last night i was like super tired.
it's really like lie on the bed,
and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...........
so yesterday i spent my whole day in this S430A
after i stepped in after lesson
and a drink at mac with theam huat.
i didnt even lunch...
i just came in,
and keep doing my work.
and when my lunch time was over around 1.40pm,
i just went to cheers
and got myself a bottle of green tea
and came up
and continue my work.
the only time i left my seat was either to go to the toilet
or when zhi hui and jess came to look for me.
it's weird cause yesterday
like alomost everytime i go to the toilet,
i'll see them both there.
so after a day of work,
i met dann and the rest outside clubroom.
and yeah~
dann just got his new job for nike!!!
but if i am just a normal stranger customer
and were to be served by him when i'm buying shoes
i'm sure i can get a good one.
he's like one working catalog of nike (basketball) shoes lah!
after that we
(dann, steve, ban theng, kim kai and i)
we went over to AMK hub to catch 風雲決

i like it lah...
it was a nice movie
with great drawings.
but maybe it's just because i'm not really very sure of 風雲's story
so half the time i'm like trying to figure out
what's going on...
but it's still nice.
dann told me that this movie continues from the movie that arron kwok acted in.
so for people like me,
i suppose watching that movie (again) will help?
and i just kinda realised why i dont really like to watch anime
cause everyone looks like everyone to me!!!!
tired to figure out who is who~
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