Ok.. This is a short scheduled post.
By the time you're reading this, I'm most probably be busy packing my luggage for Hong Kong!!!

Ok. I am not as excitied as I was just last month cos out of sudden, I feel a little lost.
Lol~ I have no idea why~
I've never felt like this before a trip before at all!
Maybe cos it's my first actually getting my tickets booked like more than a month before the actual trip and stuff?
I don't know...
All my previous trips overseas were mostly impromtu.
A very good example is my very last trip to Jakarta with Mint which was SUPER last minute!
However, with all these said, I'm still very looking forward to this trip!
Okay. You guys reading long enough would realised that I rarely talk about my bf.
But this time I'm telling you that I am going on this trip with my bf!
But of course, we have other friends joining us over the weekend and not to mention my bf's friend(s) over there.
I won't be bring my laptop over cos it's just too heavy and I guess both my bf and I would be doing quite an amount of shopping so... ya...
I'll try to update my blog if possible along this trip with my iphone after I get my data SIM card there.
Lastly, realised I've gotten a new nail design?

I chose a really simple design this time around but still, it is very very pretty isn't it?
You can learn how to such pretty nails, too!
Check out more information at http://jnail.blogspot.sg/
Oki! That's all for now!
See you again, soon!
XOXO Tsuriki
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