Here's a post of random stuff in my life.
Here's Wendy
Hm... something's up her mind...
Attack Kim Kai!!!
So yes! Here's Kim Kai
Ever since MMK Mobile event at Shokutsu10, everytime I meet Kim Kai, I'll just recall of him coming to the cafe for dinner to give me his support!
And yes!!! Thank you Kim Kai for helping Japan by buying the limited edition MMK mug, too!
Here' Erica, acting emo as everyone else was playing with their phone.
Of course, that did not include me cos I was playing with my camera! =p
So, that was 2 Saturdays ago and we were at Shokutsu10 for dinner after our dance practice that day!
Sashimi Salad that I shared with Erica
OMG the salmon super fresh lah!!!
My ramen!!! I can't remember exactly the name of this ramen alright~
Tomomi ate it for dinner one of the days during the MMK mobile event then and she said that it is REALLY GOOD!
So I HAD to try it and YES! It's GOOD!!!
Shokutsu10 is like officially one of favourite place to go for Japanese food!
And of course, it IS the number one place I would wanna go for Pasta!!!
Weird right? But seriously, the pasta at Shokutsu10 is the BEST I've eaten so far in Singapore!
You HAVE to give it a try!!!]
Got myself a pound puppy plushie the following day to cheer myself up as I was feeling really low that day.
And thank you everyone for cheering me up on my FB page, too! *LOVES*
Dann playing with my puppy and hentai jiji OZ in the background. =X
Uncle XM's front view
His backview SOOOOOO cute right?!
My new puppy at the table
Yup, we had a table for '6' that day at Swensen's!
And forever~ The guys are ALWAYS playing Yu-gi-oh whenever we're out.
Boy do I hate Sundays nowadays.
When oh when is Gerry gonna be back!
I need my bestie Gerry!!!!
I'm not a person that fancy food make from potato to begin with especially fries but I LOVE fries from Swensen's!!!
Oh well.. Maybe it has got to do with me working at Swensen's before.
My Cookie Summit!!!
Ok~ Here's some stuff I bought from Watsons last week.
LOVE the Hada Labo Hydrating Mist!
Now I don't have to worry about being in the sun for a long time anymore!
Now I'm super tempted to get the lip gel.
Hmm.. I guess I'll buy it after I finish my current lip balm.
Jelly beans anyones?
Yum yum~
Ok~ I know there isn't a single photo of myself in this post so here's 2 photos taken the day I met with my dance buddy Jess!
Love my new cap!
Oki! That's all for this post!
Will be back blogging more asap!
Enjoy your Sunday everyone!
XOXO Tsuriki.
cute cute so cute hahaha love your new doggy ^___^