It's time for my very first spree!
Above are the colours and colour codes. Please make references to the picture above for colours for ALL ribbon styles!
Dateline extended!
Sorry but this spree is now closed.
Do check again for future sprees~ (^^)
Click here to read more
#1 - Small Pin

Price: $3.00 for 2
Colours Available: WTE , BLK , YLW , RED-1 , RED-2 , RED-3 , PPL-1 , LBL-1, LBL-2 , DBL-2
Type: Pin
Measurements: 4cm X 2.5cm
#2 - Shark Clip

Price: $3.00
Colours Available: WTE , BLK , YLW , RED-1 , RED-2 , RED-3 , PPL-1 , PPL-2 , LBL-1, LBL-2 , DBL-2
Type: Shark Clip
Measurement: 7.5cm

#3 - Clip

Price: $5.00
Colours Available: WTE , BLK , YLW , RED-1 , RED-2 , RED-3 , PPL-1 , PPL-2 , LBL-2 , DBL-2
Type: Clip
Measurement: 8.5cm

#4 - Shark Clip

Price: $6.00
Colours Available: WTE , BLK , YLW , RED-1 , RED-2 , RED-3 , PPL-1 , PPL-2 , LBL-1, LBL-2 , DBL-2
Type: Shark Clip
Measurements: 8cm X 5.5cm

#5 - Clip

Price: $7.00
Colours Available: BLK & RED-2 , BLK & LBL-1 , BLK & WTE , WTE & RED-3 , BLK & RED-3 , BLK & YLW
(2nd colour is the colour in between)
Type: Clip
Measurements: 8cm X 5.5cm

#6 - Clip

Price: $7.50
Colours Available: WTE , BLK , YLW , RED-1 , RED-2 , RED-3 , LBL-2 , DBL-2
Type: Clip
Measurements: 10cm

#7 - Clip

Price: $8.00
Colours Available: WTE , BLK , YLW , RED-1 , RED-2 , RED-3 , LBL-2 , DBL-2
(Lace is black. Lace colour cannot be changed)
Type: Clip
Measurments: 10cm X 5.8cm

Please email me your orders at tsuriki13@yahoo.co.jp with email subject as "Spree #1 Orders - (Your nick)".
I will then reply you with the account number to transfer to. Please note that I am only accepting POSB and DBS transfers. If you are transfering using ATM, please keep my informed before hand.
All orders should be in by 13 March 2010, 2359 and payment should be in 14 March 2010, 2359.
Items are estimated to arrive in one month after orders are being confirmed and sent out after spree closes.
There are 2 time payments.
1st payment - Product price + (Unit & Agent fee of $1.50 per item)
2nd payment - Overseas shipping fees & Local postage
Do ask more of your friends to join this spree to share the shipping fees!
Sorry but all items will only be posted out by mail.
Strictly NO meetups.
Please send your ordered in the format below:
NOTE: If you're ordering the same item but in different colour, please list it as a new item. Thank you
Name: (To be on postage)
Email address:
Account Type/Number:
iBanking nick (If appilcable):
Item #1
Product number: (eg. #1, #2...)
Colour: (Please double check before posting)
Item #2
Product number: (eg. #1, #2...)
Colour: (Please double check before posting)
Total items: (Item #1 X Quantity + Item #2 X Quantity ...)
Total amount:(Item #1 Price X Quantity + Item #2 Price X Quantity ...)
Total payable amount: Total amount + (Total items X $1.50)
This is my first time opening a spree so if I do miss out anything, please help me by letting me know.
Do feel free to leave me a comment should you have any questions.
Thank you so much!
Just for your info if you wanna know which clips am I getting myself, I'm getting #3, #6 & #7! (^^)
Happy shopping everyone!
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