It've been a long time since I last blogged proper.
Do you miss me?
Well, I sure do miss sharing bits and pieces of my life with you!
It was YCDay! Claudia's big wedding day!
I took a day off from work and headed to Shunji Matsuo for hair and scalp treatment before going for Claudia's wedding dinner!
My uber dry hair
I have no idea why but I guess hair extensions just doesn't suit me.
My real hair got even more dry after I had extensions on.
That's really weird cos that should NOT happen!
Gotten my hair wash first before putting on all the treatment
It felt really good like a diva as I had 5 people doing my hair at a time! (笑)
After combing through, it's time for treatment!
Don't be jealous. Just come down to Shunji Matsuo for your hair treatment, too, at The Heerens!
Please forgive me for camwhoring.
I hardly get to do this ever since I started working!
Ok. Last photo.
Time to steam my hair to open the pores before applying treatment!
*Kaoru-san in background, paying 150% attention to her customers' hair*
Time to apply treatment!!!
Do I look like I'm on fire?
I can go act in some martial arts movie! (●´∀`●)
Ok. I know this photo does not suit 含冰掌 (Ice Cold Palm?) but it's the first move that came to my mind.
And yes, more camwhore while getting my treatment done
Hair... suck all the treatment up! Suck it up!
Mist still on to keep the pores open
By right they will wrap your hair up but they just leave the steam mist on my hair like that instead to prevent my hair extensions from tangling.
After treatment
So nice right?!
Nice, soft, smooth, well moisturised!
BTW, the hair treatment I did was Botanical Gardens.
Kaoru-san styling my hair for Claudia's wedding dinner!
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Big curls for elegant look
Ok. I just like take photos of the curling thingy. Okay?
I like this photo. How about you?
Almost done
There have to be at least ONE photo of me in my usual tongue-sticking expression in my post. (●⌒∇⌒●)
All ready for Claudia's wedding!

Once again, congrats to Claudia! ♥
What a beautiful transformation!
ReplyDeleteI love your hair! Trust me my hair is so much more dead :(
my hair has tat prob oso, if u dun mind spending more money:
ReplyDeleteeveryday after drying my hair i put on 4 things on my hair: leaveon conditioner, ionic leave in, antifrizz cream, n gloss spray, bcoms much btr~
The curly hair is so pretty ^^!! I love all the photos and congratulations to Claudia ~
ReplyDeletehi babe how much was the treatment and curling? thanks (:
ReplyDeletewow so gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog ♥ *followed*