どう? 可愛くない?
This year It's my very first time tying a traditional Obi myself and also trying out a different Obi tying instead of the usual, most simple bow.
Before going down to Natsu Matsuri itself, Hitomi and I met up at Tampines One where we went to visit Shirley and Fui Fui!
And after lunch, Hitomi and I headed down to Natsu Matsuri itself!
And here we are!
Went to play some games before heading back to the stage to watch my dancemate's performance.
No. This is not the performance by my dancemates.
It's by the new belly dance club in JAS.
Oh gosh~ It've been years since I last went JAS ever since I stopped studying Jap there and switched to Ikoma.
And after belly dance, it's time for Adorthymatics!
Still pretty sad when I watched their performance cos I was unable to be part of it due to work committments.
Hitomi with her famous fish-face. LOL
She's just so cute lah~
And she was like super excited to see so many gyaru/jap bloggers as I meet up with Himeko, Michiyo and Aki.
Oh man~ I miss working with her.
Why my manager must transfer her to another outlet?!
It's Hitomi's very first time going to Natsu Matsuri becos of certain reasons...
But yea! Glad she enjoyed herself!
Even though it is still very different here from in Japan.
With Fook Yu
With Jim
With Himeko
With Michiyo
With Aki
And to start off Bon Odori, here's the super high Ban Theng!
With Lue Song
With Jia Hui
Haven't seen her for a long long time~
The last time I actually saw her was at a blogger event because the venue was at the cafe she's working at!
*Oei! Lue! Why you photobomb us?!*
Not forgetting GST!
With Gerry
That makes the G!
With Sok Hiang
That makes the S!
and me, the T!
After Natsu Matsuri, I headed off for supper!
Delicious Fried Rice with Egg!
Signing off here's a photo of me with my super shrinked yoyo!
Have a good weekend ahead!
XOXO Tsuriki
It may be very different from Japan but I'd like to have one here. And your yukata(?) is really pretty~