First, I started out by painting 2 nice layer of black as the base color.
Then stick on the strip lace sticker. You may think it's simple but it is actually not to put everything nicely and at the same height and stuff.
*That's why mine is kinda horrible =p*
You can stop there but being too simple isn't really my kind of thing when it comes to stuff like my nails and mobile phone. I like blings!
TADA!!! All done! And the stupid photo don't do much justics to my bling-ed nails. It IS BLING in actual fact! hahaha...
OK. That's all for now. Gonna do more DIY stuff for photoshoot this Sunday.
Do check out my other nail art stuff on the side bar! ( * ^ - ^ * )
Take care everyone! Drink more water! Poor Jess fall sick already lor~ =(